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Philip Gaydon

Me and my research

I am an eighth-year part-time PhD student in the Philosophy and Literature department. My research is centred around examining British nineteenth-century children's literature and how the emerging figure of the 'childlike' learner could affect the current fields of virtue epistemology and the philosophy of education. At the very start of my research I did a "My PhD in 60 Seconds" with the postgraduate website. The focus of my PhD has shifted, as you can see in the 'My Thesis' tab above, but the video still gives you a brief introduction to the ideas that kick-started my PhD...

Use the tabs above to take a closer look at my research, see my CV, or browse through what I've been up to in the academic world.


I'm currently writing up my PhD and have taken on the role of Teacher of Philosophy at St Paul's School in London, so my pages are a little out of date!

Apart from the main topics of my thesis my other research interests include:

  • Contemporary children's literature
  • Ethics - particularly the role of the thought-experiment
  • Philosophy of Sport

Philip Gaydon

P dot K dot Gaydon at warwick dot ac dot uk