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Warwick Teaching Excellence Awards Shortlist 2020 - Department of Philosophy

Three members of the Philosophy Department have been nominated in this year’s WATE and WATE PGR Awards for their outstanding contribution to Teaching Excellence.

Dr Thomas Crowther has been shortlisted for this year’s WATE Awards in recognition of his inspirational teaching – as well as his dedication to outreach and well-being support for philosophy students. Irene Dal Poz and Lorenzo Serini, both studying for PhDs in Philosophy, have been shortlisted for the WATE PGR Awards. This nomination recognises Irene’s and Lorenzo’s natural flair for teaching in the classroom, as well as their ability to engage and motivate students. Congratulations to all three shortlisted candidates on their nominations. Winners of both categories will be announced in the summer.

Tue 05 May 2020, 13:57 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Staff

Patrick Tomlin: Leverhulme Research Fellowship Success

Dr Patrick Tomlin has been awarded a year-long Research Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust, to run throughout 2021. The Fellowship will fund Patrick’s continuing research into the concept of proportionate harm or violence. There is widespread agreement between philosophers working on the ethics of war, self-defence, punishment and many other areas that, if harm or violence is to be justified, it must be proportionate. Patrick will use his Fellowship to develop the argument that this apparent consensus conceals a wide range of knotty philosophical puzzles about proportionality, including how to make proportionality calculations under uncertainty; what the relationship is between the proportionality of courses of action and individual acts; and how we should aggregate small harms or goods in thinking about proportionality. Patrick will publish his research on proportionality in a book which will be published by Oxford University Press.

Thu 30 Apr 2020, 09:02 | Tags: Home Page Staff

New Appointment - Dr Massimiliano Lacertosa

We are delighted to announce that Dr Massimiliano Lacertosa has joined the Philosophy Department as a Teaching Fellow. Massimiliano (Max) joins the Department from SOAS, University of London, and specialises in Chinese philosophy. He also has wide interests that span ethics, continental philosophy, art, history, archaeology, photography, aesthetics and visual design. Max will be teaching modules in Chinese and comparative philosophy, and will develop our teaching programme in these areas.

Thu 09 Jan 2020, 13:03 | Tags: socialsciences Home Page Staff

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