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National Student Survey is now open to UG Philosophy finalists!

The National Student Survey (NSS) is now open and will close on the 30th April.

This is an important opportunity for our undergraduate finalists to give your opinion, in a national forum, on teaching and learning within our department, and on your overall experience at Warwick. We’ll listen carefully to what you say so that your views can help to shape the future of Philosophy at Warwick.

It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete and, as a thank you for completing it, the Philosophy Department will give £3 per completed Philosophy NSS survery to the Hardship Fund.

Find out more about the NSS and how the NSS has made a difference to studying philosophy at Warwick

Mon 06 Mar 2017, 12:41 | Tags: Undergraduate

Professor Keith-Ansell Pearson on BBC Radio 4

On January 12th Keith Ansell-Pearson took part in a BBC Radio 4 ‘In Our Time’ programme devoted to Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality. The host was Melvyn Bragg and the other guests were Fiona Hughes (Essex) and Stephen Mulhall (Oxford). You can listen to the programme here:

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 10:07 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

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