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IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowship: Success for Lorenzo Serini

Lorenzo Serini, currently studying for his PhD in Philosophy with the Department, has been awarded an IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowship, from October 2020 to July 2021. During the Fellowship, Lorenzo will develop both his teaching and research profile, and will contribute to teaching in the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL). Lorenzo will also organise and deliver an interdisciplinary event on the Emotions, bringing together students and speakers from multiple Departments, and will prepare a number of publications and postdoctoral applications. Congratulations, Lorenzo!

Thu 13 Aug 2020, 13:40 | Tags: Home Page, Postgraduate

Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence 2020 - Success for the Department of Philosophy

 Dr Thomas Crowther is a Commendee in this year’s WATE Awards, which recognises his outstanding contribution to the teaching of Philosophy during the course of this academic year. Tom says:

I am very happy to have been recognised through WATE. I am very proud to be a teacher, and particularly proud to be a teacher at the University of Warwick. I care very much about the work I do in teaching and supporting my students, whether it is inside or outside the classroom. Being recognized by WATE is evidence that I am doing at least something right! This will invigorate me to develop further as a teacher; particularly in negotiating the challenges of moving to blended learning.

Irene Dal Poz and Lorenzo Serini have also won awards in the WATE PGR category. This award acknowledges respectively both Irene and Lorenzo’s gifts of communication and their imaginative flair for engaging students through their teaching. 

Wed 05 Aug 2020, 08:30 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Staff

Warwick Teaching Excellence Awards Shortlist 2020 - Department of Philosophy

Three members of the Philosophy Department have been nominated in this year’s WATE and WATE PGR Awards for their outstanding contribution to Teaching Excellence.

Dr Thomas Crowther has been shortlisted for this year’s WATE Awards in recognition of his inspirational teaching – as well as his dedication to outreach and well-being support for philosophy students. Irene Dal Poz and Lorenzo Serini, both studying for PhDs in Philosophy, have been shortlisted for the WATE PGR Awards. This nomination recognises Irene’s and Lorenzo’s natural flair for teaching in the classroom, as well as their ability to engage and motivate students. Congratulations to all three shortlisted candidates on their nominations. Winners of both categories will be announced in the summer.

Tue 05 May 2020, 13:57 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Staff

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