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Thu 06 Mar 2014, 13:54 | Tags: Home Page External

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2014 is now open

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) has been launched and will run until 16th June. This is an online survey that asks you about different aspects of your taught postgraduate programme. It is designed to help universities improve the quality of taught postgraduate degree provision in the future by collecting feedback from current students.
All students who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw with the opportunity to win a £250 Amazon voucher.
For further information, and to complete the survey, please see the following link:
Wed 26 Feb 2014, 15:55 | Tags: Home Page External

Upcoming careers event: Meet our Alumni

Monday 3rd March - 6:30pm - 8:30pm in S0.21

The event is aimed at philosophy undergraduates. Any philosophy student , or student with philosophy as a significant part of their degree, is welcome, including all PPE students.

Speakers confirmed so far:

  • Policy Adviser for HM Treasury
  • Freelance games critic and presenter
  • Account Developer for Millward Brown
  • Media Assistant 

Following the formal talks there will be time to network and talk with the alumni.

Speakers have been encouraged to cover: How they got into the work; What skills or aptitudes they feel are needed to thrive in work like theirs, and what a typical day or week might look like.

By the end of the workshop you will have:

  • Been exposed to interesting and inspiring career stories of philosophy graduates.
  • Had an opportunity to ask questions of your own

Been encouraged to think about how what you have heard and learnt will affect your own career plans and choices 

Student preparation needed:

None required, though it wouldn’t do any harm to think about any questions you might like to ask. 

Out of courtesy to our speakers, please do not book unless you can reasonably expect to arrive on time and are able and willing to listen to all the speakers and stay around for the networking afterwards. It is likely that the formal input will finish at about 8.00, with half an hour or so for networking and talking subsequently.

Refreshments will be provided

Book your place via My Advantage (under Careers Workshops in the Events section)

If you have any queries regarding the event, please email our Careers Consultant, Chris Manley

Mon 17 Feb 2014, 11:14 | Tags: Home Page External

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