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Warwick Pre-University Summer School: 2-12 July 2019

The Warwick Pre-University Summer School will take place between 2 and 12 July 2019. This fully inclusive 10 day programme is aimed at 16-18 year olds and will be held at the University of Warwick Campus, but will include a 2-night stay in London, which will also feature an industry site visit. Students who enrol for the Summer School can undertake a course in Economics and Finance, or a Taste of Social Sciences (Philosophy, Law, Psychology, Liberal Arts and Global Sustainable Development).

100% of previous attendees have said that they would highly recommend the Pre-University Summer School as an effective taster of studying at a University. Please see link for further information. 

Mon 03 Dec 2018, 16:15 | Tags: Home Page External

Philosophy Department awarded the Bronze Athena Swan Award

Athena Swan Bronze AwardWe are delighted to announce that University of Warwick Philosophy Department has been awarded a Bronze Athena Swan award by the Equality Challenge Unit.

The Department is amongst the first Philosophy Departments in the UK be successful in achieving such an award and we look forward to working on our detailed and lengthy action plan over the coming months and years.

We are committed to ensuring an inclusive and supportive working environment in our department and to making a positive contribution to the culture of the discipline of Philosophy in the UK.

Our priorities include improving gender balance on our postgraduate programmes, proactively identifying and encouraging female applicants for academic positions, implementing a formal mentoring programme to support early- and mid-career researchers, and continuing a conversation with our undergraduate and postgraduate students about issues affecting the culture of our department and our discipline as a whole.

Our Athena swan Submission and Action Plan can be found here along with details of past and forthcoming events and activities.

The Department has also subscribed to the British Philosophical Association / Society for Women in Philosophy Good Practice Scheme more details of which can be found here


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