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'Self-Knowledge for Humans' by Professor Quassim Cassam: Recommendation for the Best Modern Philosophy Book

Angie Hobbs has selected 'Self-Knowledge for Humans' by Quassim Cassam as her recommendation for the 'Best Modern Philosophy Book' on the current 'The Reading Lists' (TRL) website.

Professor Hobbs is Professor of the Public Understanding of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield. Her chief interests are in ancient history and literature, ethics and political theory. She describes Professor Cassam's book as a "lucid, revealing and engaging account of the many non-epistemic and non-rational factors that cloud our ability to know ourselves (and indeed others, and various states of affairs). Professor Cassam argues persuasively that we should start with the human predicament, not an unrealistic ideal of homo philosophicus."

Dr Andrea Giananti

Dr Andrea Giananti is visiting the Philosophy Department during the spring and summer terms, 2018. In his own research, Andrea works on perceptual knowledge and self-knowledge, and has a post-doc in Fribourg as part of the Fribourg-Warwick SNF project on Perception, Rationality and Self-Knowledge. Read more below:

Issue # 3 of Pharos - Wawick student-run Philosophy Magazine - out now!

Issue3 Pharos is an undergraduate philosophy magazine founded in 2016, run by undergraduates for undergraduates. From Continental to Analytic, Chrysippus to Kant to Kierkegaard to Kamm, we aim to provide a forum for philosophical commentary and analysis that caters to a broad range of interests that extend beyond lectures and seminars.

Issue # 3 is now available in the Philosophy and PPE common room with selected content on the Pharos facebook page

Publication is bitermly in Terms 1 and 2, with one issue being published in Term 3. Next Submission Deadline: Monday Week 2, Term 2 (15th January 2018). All submissions and longer queries should be directed to our email,

Thu 07 Dec 2017, 16:22 | Tags: Publication, Undergraduate

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