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Consciousness and Self Consciousness


Causal Understanding
Exploratory Workshop

Girton College
3rd-4th April 2004

Bill Child (Philosophy, Oxford)
Josep Call (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Anthony Dickinson (Psychology, Cambridge)
György Gergely (Psychology, London)
Anthony Marcel (MRC-CBU, Cambridge)
Josef Perner (Psychology, Salzburg)
James Russell (Psychology, Cambridge)
Anne Schlottman (Psychology, UCL)

ESF Exploratory Workshop on
Emotion, Consciousness and Self Consciousness

St John's College
21st-23rd March 2003

John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford)
Sabine Döring (Philosophy, Essen)
György Gergely (Psychology, Budapest)
Peter Goldie (Philosophy, King's College London)
Paul Harris (Psychology, Harvard)
Jane Heal (Philosophy, Cambridge)
Peter Hobson (Psychology, University College London)
Barbara Juen (Psychology, Innsbruck)
Anthony Marcel (Psychology, MRC CBU, Cambridge)
Mark Meerum Terwogt (Psychology, VU Amsterdam)
Gertrud Nunner-Winkler (Psychology, MPI Munich)
David Pears (Philosophy, Oxford)
Josef Perner (Psychology, Salzburg)
James Russell (Psychology, Boston College)

Special Seminars
  • 15th November: Diana Caine (Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge): Delusional misidentification: A disorder of face processing?
  • 29th November: Fabia Franco (Middlesex University): Sharing Reference by pointing: bridging internal and external worlds in infancy.
  • 6th December: Robert Kentridge (Durham University): Attention and Blindsight.
  • 2nd July: Attention and Visual Processing
    Gregory J. DiGirolamo (Cambridge): Visual Illusions and Eye Movements.
    Diana Caine (Sydney): How independent are the two visual processing streams? Evidence from "visual variant" Alzheimer's disease.
  • 5th July: Lucy O'Brien (University College London): On Knowing One's Own Actions.
Academic Visitors

10th - 12th September 2001:
Eli Wertman, Behavioural Neuropsychology, Jerusalem

Special Seminars
  • 20th October: Paul Harris (Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford): Discussion session on The Work of the Imagination.
  • 29th November: Josef Parnas (Department of Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen): Visual Perception in Early Schizophrenia.
  • 30th March: Dare Baldwin (Department of Psychology, University of Oregon): Interpersonal Understanding and Joint Reference.
  • 31st May: Richard Schweder (School of Human Development, University of Chicago): The Cultural Psychology of the Emotions.
  • 16th June: Dan Zahavi (Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen): Merleau-Ponty on Husserl: A Re-Appraisal.
  • 21st July: Michael Tomasello (Psychology, Max Planck Institute Leipzig): The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition.
Joint Attention
3 Day Conference

University of Warwick
11th-13th June 1999

George Butterworth (Cognitive and Computing Sciences, Sussex)
Josep Call (Max Planck Instiute, Leipzig)
John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford)
Martin Davies (Philosophy, Oxford)
Naomi Eilan (Philosophy, Warwick)
Robyn Fivush, (Psychology, Emory University)
Juan-Carlos Gomez (Psychology, St Andrews)
Alison Gopnik (Psychology, Berkeley)
Jane Heal (Philosophy, Cambridge)
Peter Hobson (Psychology/Psychiatry, University College London)
Christoph Hoerl (Philosophy, Warwick)
Teresa McCormack (Psychology, Warwick)
Michael Martin (Philosophy, University College London)
Christopher Peacocke (Philosophy, Oxford)
Johannes Roessler (Philosophy, Warwick)
Amanda Woodward (Psychology, Chicago)

Agency and Self-Awareness Seminar Series

Seminars held at Warwick University

  • 20th January: Tom Pink (Philosophy, King's College London): Action, voluntariness and freedom
  • 3rd February: Patrick Haggard (Psychology, London): Relations between awareness of action and brain activity
  • 17th February: Donald Peterson (Cognitive Science, Birmingham): Pretend play and non-autistic pragmatics
  • 3rd March: Sergio Della Sala (Psychology, Aberdeen): Free willing actions and anarchy in the brain

Seminars held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford

  • 5th May: Tom Baldwin (Philosophy, York): Agency and Perception
  • 2nd June: Brian O'Shaughnessy (Philosophy, London): Mental Action
Special Seminars
  • 28th October: Shaun Gallagher (Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Canisius College): Time-Consciousness, Cognitive Mechanisms and Schizophrenia.
  • 26th May: The Neuropsychology of Memory
    Gianfranco Dalla Barba (INSERM, Paris): Confabulation and Temporality
    Rosaleen McCarthy (Experimental Psychology, Cambridge): On Shifting Ground: A Case of Temporal Disorientation in Autobiographical Memory?
One-Day Workshop

3rd October
St. Catherine's College, Oxford

John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford)
Anthony David (Neuropsychiatry, London)
Naomi Eilan (Philosophy, Warwick)
Christopher Frith (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London)
Anthony Marcel (MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge)
Johannes Roessler (Philosophy, Warwick)

Consciousness and Self Consciousness
One-Day Conference

28th November
London School of Advanced Study

Bill Brewer (Philosophy, Oxford)
John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford)
Greg Davis (Psychology, Birkbeck College London)
Naomi Eilan (Philosophy, Warwick)
Christoph Hoerl (Philosophy, Warwick)
Glyn Humphries (Psychology, Birmingham)
Teresa McCormack (Psychology, Warwick)
Anthony Marcel (MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge)
Michael Martin (Philosophy, University College London)
Johannes Roessler (Philosophy, Warwick)

Joint Attention: Development and Disorders
One-Day Workshop

27th March 1998
University of Warwick

George Butterworth (Psychology, Sussex)
Naomi Eilan (Philosophy, Warwick)
Juan Carlos Gomez (Psychology, St Andrews)
Francesca Happe (Institute of Psychiatry, London)
Peter Hobson (Developmental Psychopathology Research Unit, Tavistock Clinic)
Sue Leekam (Psychology, Kent)
Vasu Reddy (Psychology, Portsmouth)

Emotion and Memory
One-Day Meeting

3rd April 1998
MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge

Anthony Marcel
Tim Dalgleish
John Lambie

Agency, Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
Three-Day Workshop

9th - 11th July
University of Warwick

John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford)
Jerome Dokic (Philosophy, Rouen)
Douglas Frye (Psychology, University of Pennsylvania)
Jennifer Hornsby (Philosophy, Birkbeck College London)
Glyn Humphreys (Psychology, Birmingham)
Susan Hurley (Politics and International Studies, Warwick)
Marc Jeannerod (Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon)
Anthony Marcel (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge)
Christopher Peacocke (Philosophy, Oxford)
Josef Perner (Psychology, Salzburg)
Wolfgang Prinz (Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich)
Jolle Proust (CREA, Paris)
Johannes Roessler (Philosophy, Warwick)
Phil Zelazo (Psychology, Toronto)

Time and Memory Seminar SeriesMeetings held at the University of Warwick
  • 15th October: Michael Martin (Philosophy, University College London): Recall as Direct Acquaintance with the Past
  • 29th October: John Wearden (Psychology, Manchester): Models of Psychological Time
  • 12th November: Christopher Peacocke (Philosophy, Oxford): Understanding the Past Tense
  • 26th November: Martin Conway (Psychology, Bristol): TheSelf-Memory System and its Neuroanatomical Basis: Some Thoughts on Consciousness, the Self, and Autobiographical Memory

Meetings held at New College, Oxford

  • 14th January: Gordon Brown (Psychology, Warwick): The Origins of Sequential Behaviour: From Complexity to Cognition
  • 28th January: Andrew Mayes (Clinical Neurology, Sheffield): How are unaware and aware memory related?
  • 11th February: Tim Shallice (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London): Memory Retrieval: From Phenomenal Reports to Functional Imaging
  • 25th February: Robin Le Poidevin (Philosophy, Leeds): Egocentric and Objective Time
  • 11th March: John Campbell (Philosophy, Oxford): Memory Demonstratives

Meetings held at Senate House, London

  • 13th May: David Cockburn (Philosophy, Lampeter): Memories, Remnants and Traces
  • 27th May: Jill Boucher (Human Communications Sciences, Sheffield): Time Processing, Developmental Disorders, and LanguageEvolution
  • 10th June: James Higginbotham (Linguistics, Oxford): Cross-Reference and Subjectivity
  • 24th June: William Friedman (Psychology, Oberlin College, Ohio): Memory Processes Underlying Humans' Chronological Sense of the Past
Academic Visitors

22nd-24th April 1998:
Professor Nico Frijda, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam
Dr Anthony Marcel, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge

16th-19th June 1998:
Professor C.O. Evans, formerly Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Rensselaer Polytechic Institute, New York

23rd-25th June 1998:
Professor William J. Friedman, Department of Psychology, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio