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Philosophy Summer Activity

The Philosophy Summer Activity is an optional task you might want to take on during the Summer before arriving or returning to the Philosophy Department at the University of Warwick. This is a fun opportunity for you to warm up your philosophical muscles.

2023-2024 Philosophy Summer Activity: Philosophical Thought Experiments

This year’s Philosophy Summer Activity invites you to think about philosophical thought experiments, broadly understood (as myths, stories, imagined scenarios, hypothetical thinking, existential tests, etc.). Thought experiments play a central role in philosophy. They have been regularly used in the history of philosophy, from antiquity to the present across various world traditions; and we still design and think about them today in different philosophical areas, including epistemology (e.g. brain-in-a-vat), philosophy of mind (e.g. philosophical zombies), ethics (e.g. trolley problem), political philosophy (e.g. original position or veil of ignorance), etc. Thought experiments may have a variety of functions in philosophy, but, in general, they are great ways to stretch our minds and exercise our thinking.

You are invited to research and think about some of the most interesting philosophical thought experiments. This is an exciting opportunity to follow your curiosity and explore thought experiments in lesser-known philosophical traditions and philosophers as well. You are also invited to be creative and design your own philosophical thought experiment or version of an extant philosophical thought experiment. Finally, you are also invited to reflect on the philosophical significance of thought experiments in general.

Try one (or more) of these tasks:

  • Select a specific thought experiment and think about its special philosophical significance.
  • Design your own thought experiment to make a philosophically significant point.
  • What is the philosophical significance of thought experiments in philosophy?

      Submit your Philosophy Summer Activity

      You can submit your Philosophy Summer Activity in one of the following media:

      • Piece of writing (not necessarily academic in style) (max. 500 words)


      • Podcast (max. 5 minutes)


      • Video (max. 5 minutes)

      Please submit your Philosophy Summer Activity by Friday 17th September 2023.

      Use this form to submit your activity when you're ready: Submit your activity

      If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touchLink opens in a new window.

      The winners will be announced during welcome week. All submissions will be read/listened to/watched carefully and we will give you some feedback on your work.