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Journal articles

2022: Chatzitheochari & Butler-Rees Disability, Social Class, and Stigma: An Intersectional Analysis of Disabled Young People's School Experiences, Sociology | Awarded the 2024 SAGE Prize for Innovation/Excellence | Special Needs Jungle

2022: Chatzitheochari, S. Velthuis, S. & Connelly, R. Childhood Disability, Social Class and Social Mobility: A Neglected Relationship, British Journal of Sociology 73(5): 959-966 | Policy Briefing

2022: Chatzitheochari, S. & Mylona, E. Does Diary Mode Matter in Time-Use Research? Journal of Time Use Research | Online Supplement

2022: Butler-Rees, A. & Chatzitheochari, S. Giving a Socially Distanced Voice to Disabled Young People: Insights from the Educational Pathways and Work Outcomes Qualitative Longitudinal Study International Journal of Social Research Methodology | Blog Post

2021: Chatzitheochari, S. & Mylona, E. Data Quality in Web and App Diaries: A Person-Level Comparison Journal of Time Use Research 16(2)

2019: Brown, RELISH consortium & Zhou Large-expert curated Database for Benchmarking Document Similarity Detection in Biomedical Literature Search Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, baz085

2019: Mullan, K. & Chatzitheochari, S. Changing Times Together? A Time Diary Analysis of Family Time in the Digital Age in the UK Journal of Marriage and Family 81(4): 795-811 | Featured in The Independent/Daily Mail/The Sunday Times/ABC Australia/The Conversation/Quartz/L'ADN/Channel News Asia

2019: Chatzitheochari, S. & Platt, L.Disability Differentials in Educational Attainment in England: Primary and Secondary Effects British Journal of Sociology 70(2): 502-525 | Featured in the Guardian  Special Needs Jungle The Conversation Policy Briefing*

2018: Chatzitheochari, S. Fisher, K. Gilbert, E. Calderwood, L. Huskinson, T. Cleary, A. & Gershuny, J. Using New Technologies for Time Diary Data Collection: Instrument Design and Data Quality Findings from a Mixed-Mode Pilot Survey Social Indicators Research 137(1): 379-390

2016: Chatzitheochari, S. Parsons, S. & Platt, L. Doubly Disadvantaged? Bullying Experiences Among Disabled Children and Young People in England' Sociology 50(4): 695-713 | Awarded the 2016 Lives Best Paper Award for Young Scholars

2015: Fisher, Chatzitheochari, Gilbert, Calderwood, Fitzsimons, Cleary, Huskinson & Gershuny A Mixed-mode Approach to Measuring Young People's Time Use in the Millennium Cohort Study Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 12(1): 174-180

2012: Chatzitheochari & Arber Gender, Class, and Time Poverty: A Time-use Analysis of British workers’ Free Time Resources, British Journal of Sociology, 63(3): 451-471

2011: Chatzitheochari & Arber Identifying the Third Agers: An Analysis of British Retirees’ Leisure Pursuits Sociological Research Online, 16(4): 3

2009: Chatzitheochari & Arber Lack of Sleep, Work, and the Long Hours Culture: Evidence from the UK Time Use Survey Work, Employment, and Society, 23(1): 30-48 | Featured in the Guardian

Book Chapters

2022: Chatzitheochari, S. Beyond the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide in Solomos, J., Murji, K., Neal, S. Introduction to Sociology, SAGE

2013: Connelly, R. & Chatzitheochari, S. Physical Development in Platt, L. (ed.) Millennium Cohort Age 11 Survey Findings. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies | Featured in The Conversation

2011: Chatzitheochari, S. & Arber, S. Time Use Studies: A Method for Exploring Everyday Life in the Third Age. In D.C. Carr and K.Komp (eds), Gerontology in the Era of the Third Age: Implications and Next Steps. New York: Springer Publishing

Working papers

2021: Velthuis, S & Chatzitheochari, S. Adolescent Disability, Post-16 Destinations, and Early Socioeconomic Attainment: Initial Evidence from Next Steps. SocArxiv | Policy Briefing Featured in Special Needs Jungle

2015: Chatzitheochari, S. Fisher, K. Gilbert, E. Calderwood, L. Huskinson, T. Cleary, A. & Gershuny, J. Measuring Young People’s Time Use in the UK Millennium Cohort Study: A Mixed-Mode Time Diary Approach CLS Working Paper 2015/5

2014: Chatzitheochari, S. Parsons, S. & Platt, L. Bullying Experiences among Disabled Children and Young People in England: Evidence from two Longitudinal Studies Working paper, 14-11. Department of Quantitative Social Science, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK.* Briefing | Featured in BCC news

2013: Chatzitheochari, S. Prevalence and Correlates of Sleep Problems at Age 50: Initial Results from the National Child Development Study. CLS Working Paper 2013/2

Online Resources

2023: Chatzitheochari, S. Time Diary Data and Research. National Centre for Research Methods online learning resource. Available at


2023: Butler-Rees, A. Chapple, M. and Chatzitheochari, S. Educational Pathways and Work Outcomes of Disabled Young People in England Qualitative Longitudinal Study, 2021-2022. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-856787