Stella Chatzitheochari
Email: Telephone: +44(0)24 765 22575 Room: E.0.20 (Social Sciences)
I am Reader in the Department of Sociology. My research interests include time-use, childhood disability, social stratification, and longitudinal methods. I have just completed research on the Leverhulme Research Project Grant Educational Pathways and Work Outcomes of Disabled Young People in England, which sought to understand the whole range of mechanisms through which adolescent disability is translated into educational and occupational disadvantage. I am currently Principal Investigator of the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Project on Intersectional Effects of Disability and Social Class on Becoming NEET.
The majority of my teaching has thus far focused on social research methods modules. I also regularly teach modules on social inequality. I am currently on research leave, but I am happy to discuss with prospective PhD students interested in undertaking sociological investigations on time-use research or disability and social inequality.
Before coming to Warwick, I was John Adams Career Development Fellow at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies of UCL Institute of Education, and pre-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Surrey, where I also obtained my doctorate. I was first introduced to Sociology at the University of Cambridge (M.Phil). Prior to this, I studied International Relations and Economics in Greece, where I am originally from.
I often get asked about my Greek surname that is somewhat difficult to pronounce. The correct pronunciation is here [hadziθeoˈhaɾi]