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In-Sessional English at Warwick

Welcome to the In-sessional English Programme 2023-24

In-sessional Classes - Term 3

In-Sessional English is now taking a break and will restart on academic week 30 (w/c 22 April 2024) continuing until academic week 39 (w/c 24 June 2024).
The Programme is scheduled as below:
  • Weeks 30 and 31 - The first two weeks are dedicated to Writing Surgeries. These are individual, bookable appointments of twenty minutes duration, held online with a writing tutor. You can use the surgery time to discuss any aspect of your writing although we are unable to proof-read work during the tutorials. Please click on this link to access the surgery schedule and reserve a spot. We would like to give all students the possibility to attend these short sessions, hence, please do not request more than two surgeries in total.
  • Weeks 32-37: Dissertation writing workshops. These are one hour, face to face sessions designed to provide input on key aspects of dissertation writing and opportunities for questions and practice. The workshops will be structured as below:

Week 32: Workshop 1 - Critical reading; organising your reading; paraphrasing & plagiarism avoidance

 Week 33: Workshop 2 - Dissertation overview; introductions, conclusions & abstracts

Week 34: Workshop 3 - Writing a literature review

 Week 35: Workshop 4 - Writing methods and results chapters

 Week 36: Workshop 5 - Writing a discussion chapter

 Week 37: Workshop 6 - Proofreading and editing skills

In order to join the workshops, you will need to pre-register by completing the booking form available here. A member of the In-sessional Team will consequently contact you to provide further details.

  • Weeks 38-39: More writing surgeries. Please note: Unfortunately these sessions have been cancelled due to unforeseen staff absence.