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Frequently Asked Questions for PSE Tutors

Frequently Asked Questions

We realise you probably have a lot of questions about the interview, dates, training, salary and benefits including CPD and accommodation - we hope that the FAQs below will address your queries.
If you still have questions after reading this page, please contact us on email pre-sessional at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Dates and Delivery Mode

What are the dates of the programme and the dates I should be available?

What are the dates of the programme and the dates I should be available for induction?

All tutors teaching on the programme should be available on the following dates:

        • 10-week Postgraduate Programme (face to face)- Monday 8 July - Friday 13 September
          (compulsory induction on Mon 1 - Fri 5 July)
        • 6-week Postgraduate Programme (face to face) - Monday 5 August - Friday 13 September
          (compulsory induction on Mon 29 July - Fri 2 August)
        • 6-week Postgraduate Programme (online) - Monday 15 July- Friday 23 August
          (compulsory induction on Mon 8 July - Fri 12 July)
        • 6-week Undergraduate Programme (online)- Monday 15 July - Friday 23 August
          (compulsory training on Mon 8 July - Fri 12 July)

        We also offer an Extended Intensive English 6 weeks programme for our International Foundation Programme and also a 4 week Postgraduate Academic Orientation programme for Warwick students who have already met their English Language conditions. The dates for these are also below

        • 6-week Extended Intensive English (face to face) - Monday 12 August- Friday 20 September
          (compulsory induction on Wed 7 August- Fri 9 August)
        • 4-week Academic Orientation (face to face )- Monday 26 August- Friday 20 September
          (compulsory induction on Mon 19 August- Fri 23 August)

          Will the course be taught online or face to face?

          The 6 week programme for undergraduates will be delivered solely online. The 10 week postgraduate programme is face to face and the 6 week postgraduate programme is delivered both face to face at the Warwick campus and online.

          Prior to interview

          I've been invited to an interview but can't make the dates/times?

          Please contact the Professional Services team ( to arrange an alternative time.

          The Interview

          What can I expect from the interview?

          Tutors will be asked to complete a task (up to ten minutes), the details will be sent to you before the interview and there will be a 30 minute interview with two members of staff from the Department.

          All interviews and meetings will take place on Microsoft Teams.


          When will I hear if I've been successful?

          We will aim to get back to candidates within 10 working days.

          What happens once I've received an offer?

          When you have been informed you have been successful, you will be subject to right to work checks and reference checks, after these are completed successfully, you will then receive a formal contract from us via our Sessional Teaching Payroll Department (STP). We will also send you a form to check on accommodation and IT requirements which you should complete as soon as possible.

          Salary and Benefits

          Is there any movement on the rate of pay?

          The rate of pay is determined by prior experience, knowledge and understanding. As a rule of thumb, all new tutors will be appointed at the bottom of the scale and tutors returning from last year will be appointed one point above the previous spinal point they were paid at.

          How will I be paid for the teaching?

          Payment for teaching is in arrears, you will submit your timesheets on a weekly basis through the Sessional Teaching Payroll and staff are paid on the 24th of the month. Tutors should submit claims by the Friday of each week and only submit a claim for the week that has been completed. We will provide you with instructions and payroll cut off dates so you know what to do.

          Do I receive holiday pay?

          Yes you will receive pro-rota holiday pay which is 12.07% per hour you work.

          Is there somewhere I can live while teaching on the programme?

          Yes we can provide accommodation in University Halls of Residence on a room only basis. This will be paid for by the University. You will be able to move into the Halls one night prior to the course starting. The moving out date will be the Saturday after the course ends. You should note that our accommodation offer is considered a taxable benefit by HMRC, this will not affect your take-home pay but it may have an impact on your tax code. You will see an inflated entry on your payslip which is equal to the benefit plus tax and NI.

          Is there car parking on campus?

          Yes, we will be able to provide a limited number of carparking spaces, please let us know if you require a space on the form we send you post-interview if you are successful.

          Is training/induction provided and when is it? Do I have to attend?

          There will be five full days of induction to attend prior to the start of the programme (see dates above) and these are compulsory. Before you accept the post you should make sure that you can attend the dates for the programme and also the induction. You will be paid for six hours per day for the training days. 

          Are there CPD opportunities?

          There will be opportunities for Professional Development (CPD), including support towards obtaining the BALEAP TEAP Fellowship award.

          Are there opportunities to socialise?

          Your evenings will be your own and there will be several staff staying on campus so there will definitely be chances for staff get togethers. We also organise some specific get togethers for staff during the programme including a welcome event. In addition there will be social events for students which we encourage staff to attend.

          Right to Work in the UK

          I don't know if I have a right to work in the UK?

          We will complete right to work checks before we issue any contracts but you should check the following webpages to check you have a right to work in the UK. Staff must be based in the UK during the programme.

          My main address is abroad, is this a problem? Are there any tax implications for me?

          This will depend on your residency status - each case will be individual and so please raise this if you think there is a problem.

          How do I complete a right to work check?

          Our STP (Sessional Teaching Payroll) team will get in touch is you are successfully appointed. You will need to undergo a right to work in the UK check and this will be done in person. In some circumstances it is possible to have this check online. Please contact if you have any queries about this.

          During the Programme

          Will I be provided with a PC or laptop?

          If you are working on the face to face programme on campus, we will be able to supply you with a laptop for the duration of the programme and there will be printing facilities available. If you are working online only, then we will discuss the options and would anticipate most staff will use their own personal devices. If you have a personal PC or laptop you can use this will ideally need to be under 3 years old and have a windows operating system. We will work with online tutors to identify any IT issues in advance and work with tutors on suitable solutions.

          What are the hours of work and contact hours during the programme?

          Our contracts are for 36.5hours per week and you will also be paid for 6 hours for each day of training during induction:

          • teaching and tutorials which could be either on campus in a classroom setting or online using Microsoft Teams; and
          • preparation, one-to-one feedback and marking, some pastoral responsibility, liaising with colleagues, communicating regularly with students, record keeping and attending meetings.

          Who will I contact if I have problems during the programme?

          Each programme has an Assistant Director of Study who will be able to support you with teaching and the curriculum and there will also be a team or Professional Services staff to support you with operational issues.

          Are mentors provided for new tutors?

          Yes, one of the benefits of having staff returning who have prior experience is that we are able to pair you up with an experienced tutor.

          I have a question about the curriculum, who do I contact?

          You will contact your Assistant Director of Studies or if necessary the Director of Studies.

          What happens if I am sick during the programme/training? Will I be paid?

          You might be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay, please check this webpage for more details.

          Can I take holiday during the programme?

          No, you need to be available for the whole duration of the programme. In exceptional circumstances, tutors should discuss with the Director of Studies.