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Mentee Exchange Event - A great success!

Joining us for the Mentee Exchange, to share their experiences and tips to help with your mentoring relationship, were Co-Chair Sanjiv Patel, Steering members Gary Lloyd and Penny Thorpe, all three are also mentors on the scheme. Also on the session was 2018 mentee Leticia Frank and 2019 mentee Daniele Todaro.

The session centred on hearing from current mentors and mentees, to help you make the most of your mentoring relationship, as well as to share helpful links to resources.

Mentee Exchange – links to presentation and recording:

Areas discussed during the session with mentors/mentees:

  • How mentees approached meeting
  • How mentees prepared for meetings
  • How often they met and how they met
  • What platforms used for remote mentoring
  • Heard what happens if you cannot make a session or not performed actions

Resource shared within the presentation (pdf):

  • The brilliant ‘free’ Career Management Module - Created by industry experts, containing
  • 16 Online Lessons; CV, interview techniques, negotiation skills, career transitions and working in a global environment – which includes virtual teams … and much more!
  • WBS Careers Blog
  • LinkedIn group exclusively for mentees
  • Careers Shop

Now more than ever, is an ideal to stay in touch with your mentor, this was echoed by all of the panellists joining the session.

Even if you do not need any immediate help, check to see how your mentor is doing. For many of you, including mentors, times are difficult and ever changing. Hearing from one another can really help develop and strengthen your relationship.

Remember the plans you had in place or the way you met, is likely to have completely changed. It usually changes in the normal course of a programme but these are exceptional times and bound to have change.

It is time to revisit how you approach the mentoring relationship, how you meet, how often, your goals and ambitions. However, when making contact and arrangements, consider checking what is happening in their part of the world and the challenges they might be facing.

Listen to the recording and check out the useful links within the presentation.

Should you need any support or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch; or

Fri 27 Mar 2020, 14:45



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371