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2020 Global Mentoring Programme finishes in June 2022: How will you celebrate?

With around 3 months before 2020 mentoring programme relationships close ... how will you use that time?

Lots has happened in that time; the great resignation, the great supply chain disruption, not to mention mother’s natures throw of the die with droughts for some, floods for others and snow where you would least expect it as well as topsy turvy political landscape, challenging economies and of course the global pandemic.

This shows us the magnitude of human resilience, adaptability and perseverance even through tough times. How together, through learning, innovation and revival we still stand strong.

Take the time to stop and review these last two years and then think about the mentoring relationship, the journey you have both been on, the ups and downs, the quick wins and the long carefully crafted paths.

What are you proud of during these last few years? What have you overcome? How have you achieved it?

Tue 05 Apr 2022, 16:55

The Annual Programme Quality Review is due soon and Christmas closing dates

A reminder that the Annual Programme Quality Review will be sent over the Christmas/New Year period. Please check spam/junk folders.

Do take the time to share your feedback. We are listening and currently planning support with career resources ... but we want to understand more about your experience, the programme and how we can make things better.

Also note the mentoring team last day is Thursday 17 December, returning on 4 January 2022.

... and for those celebrating over the festive period, very best wishes to you and your families.

Wed 01 Dec 2021, 11:00

Giving and receiving feedback

It is vital to your mentoring relationship that you can give and receive feedback, in order for your mentoring relationship to develop. Recall the cultural discussions from induction and view the video in the link below and think about how cultural views can impact on feedback. It is important you are ready to give your feedback to your mentor, so they can ensure sessions are the most effective for you. Watch this video to learn more

Thu 05 Aug 2021, 17:45

**EVENT ** Mentee Exchange August 2021

Register now to attend our Mentee Exchange

  • Learn to provide feedback comfortably

  • Rediscover where to find resources or the one or two things you cannot quite recall from induction

  • Chance to address any mentoring programme questions

  • Past Mentees will be on hand to share their insights, experience and to help answer questions

DATE: Tuesday 17 August 2021

TIME: 08:30 - 09:15 BST/London UK time

Follow this link to register:
Register Now

Thu 05 Aug 2021, 17:36

Mentee LinkedIn group

The mentee LinkedIn group is your opportunity to network, share and seek support from past and present mentees. Join now!

Mon 19 Jul 2021, 14:25

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371