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Mentee News

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Leading through Covid-19

Hear from leading WBS academics, including award-winning author and star of BBC 4 'Human Zoo' Prof Nick Chater, on the challenges facing us.

The Podcast series has 14 recordings for you to dip and take a look ... its worth bookmarking the page!

  • Four lessons for marketing during the Coronavirus crisis - Prof Hugh Wilson
  • The biases that afflict leaders in a crisis - with Prof Nick Chater
  • How to lead a virtual team - Prof Davide Nicolini
  • The types of leadership needed in a crisis like this pandemic - Prof Keith Grint
Fri 02 Oct 2020, 09:30

Career Management Module: Redundancy

In these difficult times, redundancy is a real issue for many people. If redundancy is affecting you right now, or is a threat, take time to follow Lesson 14 in the Career Management Module on Career Transitions to help get a better perspective on how redundancy - whether voluntary or compulsory - is a real opportunity for the next stage in your career and your life.

Mon 13 Jul 2020, 15:33

Welcome all to the 2020 Global Mentoring Programme!

A very big warm welcome to the new additions to the WBS Global Mentoring Community.

We are delighted to welcome the new WBS Mentees and WBS Mentors onto the 2020 Mentoring Programme - which signifies 10 years of mentoring and also supporting over 1000 mentees.

Wed 08 Jul 2020, 15:19

WBS Online Events Series: "Succeeding Through Change"

Join our free live taster lectures, listen to our podcast series, or read our core insights for the latest thought leadership on a range of key topics. Book a personal session with one of our team to review your CV and understand more about the study options available to you on our MSc, MBA and Executive education programmes. Join our leadership development webinars presented by a fantastic range of speakers from the world of business, and all associates of WBS, to learn how to maximise your personal impact.

Tue 07 Jul 2020, 11:22

Farewell to our 2018 WBS Global Mentoring cohort

We just wanted to say on behalf ouf the WBS Global Mentoring Programme Team, a fond farewell to all of our 2018 Mentee cohort who will be leaving us this summer. We hope you found your time on the programme useful and enlightening and we hope you keep in touch. We would be extremely pleased and proud to welcome you back as WBS Mentors one day. We would welcome your application here:

Wed 17 Jun 2020, 10:25

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371