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Photography, film and audio consent form (16+)

Warwick Business School (WBS) within the University of Warwick would like to take images/recordings of you for promotional purposes. Please refer to the guidance section of this consent form for specific details of how your images/recordings may be used by WBS and the University of Warwick.

Unless you expressly provide your consent by providing approval for us to use your image/recordings for ‘other types of communications’, your images/recordings will not be shared with or disclosed to any third parties external to the University of Warwick except those acting on behalf of the University, such as photographers and creative agencies for the purposes of producing the promotional materials. Please note that your images/recordings may be publicly available if published in some of the mediums listed in the guidance section below.

To comply with Data Protection Legislation, we need your permission before we capture your image or recording. Please read all of the information contained within this consent form thoroughly before providing your explicit consent, contact details and signing and dating the form.

Guidance section:

WBS and the University of Warwick may publish your images/recordings in any appropriate medium including, not limited to the following:

Digital communications

Publications on websites, digital screens, and other online platforms (including social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok; iTunes U, YouTube). These generally include photographs, edited articles, interview transcripts, podcasts, videos, film and broadcast media.

Print publications

Publications such as magazines, reports, postcards, envelopes, leaflets, prospectuses, and outdoor promotional material (including lamp-post banners and posters). These generally include photographs and edited articles, and promotion of digital materials.

Other types of communication

Publications on news platforms, such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio shows, and/or any other media or distribution channel now known or to be invented.

Future use of materials

WBS, within the University of Warwick, will securely store the images/recordings of you indefinitely, for future promotional and historical purposes. You can withdraw your consent for your images/recordings to be removed from future publications and digital content at any time, but they cannot be removed from printed materials which have already been created.

Are you at least 16-years-old? (If not, please refer to separate consent form for under-16s) (required)

By submitting this form, you are confirming that:

  • You have read the guidance section above and asked any questions;
  • You consent to the way in which the WBS and the University of Warwick plan to use images/recordings of you outlined in the "Obtaining consent" agreement as listed below;
  • The copyright in any images/recordings taken will belong to WBS and the University of Warwick and you will not receive payment or any other compensation in connection with the images/recordings;
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent for the University of Warwick to use the images/recordings of you at any time by contacting If this does arise you understand that the images/recordings of you will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation; and
  • Your data is held securely by the WBS Marketing team indefinitely.

If you have any concerns, please contact before signing this document

Obtaining consent

By agreeing to WBS and the University of Warwick capturing your image/recording you consent to the uses as listed below:

  • I consent to the images/recordings of me being used for promotional purposes in the digital communications mediums listed in the guidance section above.
  • I consent to the images/recordings of me being used for promotional purposes in the print publications mediums listed in the guidance section above.
  • I consent to the images/recordings of me being used for promotional purposes in the other types of communication mediums listed in the guidance section above.
  • I consent to the images/recordings of me being held indefinitely for future promotional and historical purposes.
I hereby consent to the University using images of myself captured in photographs, audio or film recordings on the date and location listed above, for the purposes listed above
Privacy notice

This form will only be used to record consents for filming and photographing at Warwick Business School (WBS).

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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