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WBS staff only - what happens when you leave

Your WBS account - access to files and computing hardware

Your WBS account provides access to your computer and files. This password is typically changed the day after a staff member leaves. It is the leaver's responsibility, along with their line manager, to make sure any files that need to be retained are moved to an appropriate location (usually a shared drive). One month after a staff member leaves their WBS account is deleted. Where requested by the Dean's Office accounts may be deleted earlier than this 1 month norm.

Any computing equipment provided by WBS (including mobile devices such as smartphones) must be returned to WBS Solutions or left in your office when you leave.

Your IT Services account - access to your email

Your ITS account (typically starting bs....) controls access to your email. Central IT Services generally determine the closure timetable (below) for an account although this is based on information held within central university payroll systems. When requested by the Dean's Office accounts may be disabled earlier than the timetable below.

The general timetable for closure of email accounts. Please note this is subject to change by IT Services without our being informed.

  • Nothing happens to your email access for the first 2 weeks after you being marked as left in the University Personnel system
  • For the following 6 weeks the email account remains accessible although regular emails are sent warning of its upcoming closure. These messages invite the account holder to contact IT Services if they believe there is a legitimate reason why they should retain access.
  • 8 weeks after the staff members leave acccount access is terminated although the account is retained for longer (typically 1 year for legal discovery purposes).

It is the leaver's responsibility, along with the line manager, to:

  • Set up an automatic response explaining that you have left and either auto-forwarding the message to a colleague or providing the contact details of a colleague who can deal with any enquiries. Please note that any forward rules to non-Warwick accounts are liable to be removed without notice.
  • Migrate any messages that should be retained to a suitable location. This can be by printing out relevant messages or moving emails to an alternative account