Loan Equipment
Purpose of the equipment
ISSU maintain a stock of centrally-funded equipment for the support of WBS teaching, presentation and other business-related activities, whether on or off campus.
- Only WBS staff can book equipment.
- Either WBS staff or PhD students can collect reserved equipment.
- The equipment can be used by WBS staff or WBS students but the department that made the booking will be held responsible.
Although we have a range of laptops available we are not able to create ad-hoc 'computing labs'. If you have a need for a room with multiple computers please book one of the specially-equipped computing labs in WBS or on central campus.
Inventory of equipment
The following equipment can be booked in advance (see below for procedure):
- Laptop computer (x 5)
- Travel laptop (small form factor x3)
- Tablet PC (more information x 1)
- Portable data projectors (more information x2 )
- Dictaphone / voice recorder (more information x 3)
- Video camera (basic - more information x 1)
- Digital camera (basic - more information x 1)
- Multi-Function DVD Recorder (more information x1)
- Green Laser Pointer (for use in WBS theatres that have rear projection systems, i.e. B0.01, A0.01 and A1.01 x 1)
- Red Laser Pointer
- Remote mouse
- Portable USB Speakers
The following equipment is also available to borrow. For these items please email the Helpdesk.
- USB Memory sticks
- Radio microphone (1 for external use plus 1 for each lecture theatre in the Scarman Road building)
- Mini audio amplifier (Public address system)
Loan periods
Guideline periods are:
- Term time: Up to 5 working days
- Vacations: Up to 10 working days
Please contact us with details should you require the equipment for longer. Wherever possible we try to satisfy requests, provided other users are not inconvenienced
Procedure for reserving loan equipment
- For items that can be reserved in advance please update the booking form.
- For other items please email the Helpdesk.
Collecting the loan equipment
Reserved equipment may be collected by WBS Staff or WBS PhD students only. Please note that we are not able to deliver equipment to users. We do have one lightweight foldable trolley that users can borrow to help transport the equipment.
The collecting person will be required to sign a loan equipment form. This signature temporarily transfers the responsibility for the equipment to the borrower’s group. Please note that although a PhD student may collect the equipment the responsibility for it will lie with the group that made the original reservation (only WBS Staff can make such a reservation).
In cases where a machine is no longer needed please update the booking form appropriately. This will release the equipment back into the loan pool, thus allowing other users to use it.
The Helpdesk will be happy to provide assistance to users if it is the first time they have used the equipment.
Support provided in regular hours by contacting the Helpdesk on 22522 (024 7652 2522 if off-campus).
Returning the equipment
The equipment must be returned by the time indicated on the booking form to prevent inconvenience to other users.
On return of the equipment the machine will be checked by the Helpdesk staff to ensure it is complete and to check for signs of physical damage. Assuming all is well the Helpdesk Consultant will sign the ‘Booking Form’ to indicate the responsibility for the equipment has passed back to ISSU. You should insist on being given a receipt for the equipment.
What happens if equipment is damaged/stolen?
Fortunately this is so far a theoretical question as the situation has not arisen. When we lend out equipment however the borrowing group is responsible for it.
In a case where equipment were damaged/stolen we would attempt to ascertain whether the user took all reasonable steps to protect the equipment. A pragmatic judgement would then be taken within ISSU as to whether we (i.e. the school) should bear the cost or whether the group should bear the full or partial cost. Any dispute would be referred to the Deputy Dean as he oversees our budget.
Advice on taking care of equipment
With respect to minimising damage you should always:
- Treat all equipment with care – laptops are not designed to be treated roughly
- Use the supplied carrying case when transporting a laptop
- Protect laptops from potentially damaging environments – heat, wide temperature variations, liquids and very humid environments, dust and dirt, etc.
With respect to minimising loss you should always:
- Exercise maximum precaution in highly insecure (any public) environment – do not flaunt the laptop, leave it unattended, or ask others to look after it for you
- When in your car keep the laptop – properly packaged – in a secured part of the car (near you with any adjacent window closed and any adjacent door locked, or in a locked boot). Be aware of ‘traffic-light thefts’!
- Never leave a laptop in a parked car if this can possibly be avoided
- When at public meetings, conferences or hotels always use facilities for secure storage – and insist they are provided
- When staying in a private house (your own or your friends’) always keep a laptop in the most secure place – preferably in a room with you
- If you are going to be in an insecure environment (private house/no secure storage facilities) and you don’t need your laptop, consider temporary storage in, for example, an airport locker.