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CD and DVD duplication

Whether CDs or DVDs can be copied depends on licensing issues (do you have the permission of the copyright owner) and technical issues (is the material protected in any way). If the answer to both of these is positive you have a range of options for duplicating disks.

Very small scale

It is simple and often cost-effective to a make a few copies of a disk using your office computer. If you need assistance in how to copy CDs or DVDs please contact the Helpdesk for assistance.

Medium scale

The Helpdesk have a CD / DVD duplicator that can make the copying of disks a bit easier although they can still only be done one at at time. If you need up to around a dozen you can probably do them yourself using this device. Please note you will need to provide your own blank disks.

Large scale

ISSU regret that we are not equipped to offer this service. We have in the past used a local company ‘Kettell Video’ who have provided us with excellent service at a very reasonable rate.

Their contacts details are:

Tel: (024) 7669 0094



Address: 9 Leasowes Avenue, Finham, Coventry, CV3 6BH

This company also offers authoring, filming and production services.

Typical costs for CD duplication (quoted May 2005) are (excluding VAT):

  • CD duplication cost £1.10 per unit assuming a run of 25 units
  • CD duplication cost of £0.80 per unit assuming a run 100 units
  • Basic CD label £0.20