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Scarman Road staff lounge display PC

Unfortunately the computer in the Scarman Road staff lounge that provides the pictures for the wall-mounted screen has been mis-used out of hours. We will therefore have to go back to locking the cupboard. Should you need to use the screen for a presentation please collect the cupboard key from the Scarman Road reception during their regular work hours.
Tue 28 Sep 2010, 13:36

This email is fake

This email is an excellent example of a phishing email and the tactics used by fraudsters to attempt to obtain personal information such as usernames and passwords. It was sent from a masqueraded address of

 dodgy phishing email

Tue 21 Sep 2010, 10:50

Central IT Services accounts - issues with student passwords

IT Services have reported a problem whereby the passwords for all students were accidentally reset during the migration to the new student email service on the weekend of Aug 13-15th. ALL students who have not already had their password problems fixed will need to reset their password. Details at  . WBS accounts are *not* affected, nor are staff accounts.

IT Services are having problems contacting students now that they are not able to email them and would be grateful if you could highlight this issue, for example by links on any Facebook pages, Twitter feeds etc that you administer. ISSU will post a message on my.wbs for all students (even though students may not be able to access my.wbs because of this issue, emails will still be sent to those that have signed up to receive these).

Fri 27 Aug 2010, 13:48

Delays to answering support requests

Although not directly affecting the WBS Helpdesk the above issue has generated many secondary support requests for ISSU at a time of the year that is normally quiet, and thus when ISSU staff are encouraged to take holidays. Please understand if it takes a little longer than normal to respond to support requests and please help us to help you by:
  • restarting your computer when you have a problem to see if that fixes the issue before contacting us (many problems are resolved in this way)
  • logging your support call by emailing or visiting (please only call/drop in for very urgent issues or when requested to do so)
  • searching our website at to see if the answer is already available
Fri 27 Aug 2010, 13:48

Remote desktop users with Windows 7 - action required to ensure continued access

We will be tightening the security for Remote Desktop on Windows 7 to reduce the risk of someone else being able to connect to your computer. If your office computer runs Windows 7 and you use Remote Desktop please run the 'Allow Remote Desktop' application from 'Run Advertised Programs' to ensure you continue to have access. If you have problems connecting please email .
Fri 27 Aug 2010, 13:47

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