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OE is driven by the people taking part. Every process must have an improvement champion - a key stakeholder to endorse, drive, and argue for change. The champion will shape the development of a case for improvement, working with a facilitator. Warwick has a team of trained facilitators who have access to a professional toolkit of process improvement techniques and the skills to help teams to analyse and review their own processes.

The facilitator can work with the champion to prepare a workshop and identify members to join the improvement team. The whole team is then responsible for the improvement process itself.

If you are contemplating a process improvement project, then you can informally discuss it with any of the facilitators. If you want to know more about how OE works in practice, then you could also talk to one of the current or past project improvement champions.

Management support

Senior management support and reporting for WBS' OE programme is through the WBS Operational Excellence Steering Group, chaired by Catherine Gordon. The programme is supported by WBS' OE expert, Zoe Radnorwith professional consultancy and training by Processfix Ltd.

OPEX Toolkit

Licensed facilitators can access Processfix's OPEX toolkit.