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The existing elective registration process used by MBA students was paper-based, resource hungry and subject to human error. What participants needed was an online process which they could manage themselves; what WBS needed was a system which cut out hours of manual processing.

Improvement Champion
Jon LeesExecutive Director of the Warwick MBA, WBS

Project Manager
Ailsa Chambers, Head of MBA Operations, WBS

Simon Harper, Applications Development Manager, WBS

This project is currently close to completion. Below is a summary of why we needed to improve this process  - and progress to date. More details are available from the workshop output(PDF Document) and progress report(PDF Document)  




Process Issue(s)

The current elective registration process for MBA participants is paper-based, administratively complex and involves significant manual processing. It is resource hungry, time consuming and subject to human error. Currently, it takes between 5-20 minutes to process a single initial set of elective choices for an Executive MBA student. In addition, for MBA residential modules, module registration error can result in significant cancellation charges which fall upon WBS. There is also a significant amount of manual processing involved in the registration of students (c. 30%) who defer one or more core modules.


Planned Improvement

To improve the student experience by enabling them to manage their programme of study using an online system. To streamline the administrative processes which underpin this activity.



v  Release of work capacity on the MBA administrative team enabling the portfolio to absorb future planned product development within current resources.

v  Improved customer service for MBA participants through: enhanced online information and interactive tools to support making module choices, management of a personalised study programme, timely confirmation of elective choices and ensuring availability of residential accommodation.

v  Simpler, more streamlined administrative process involving: significant reduction in manual processing interventions, improved data quality and reporting functionality resulting in greater accuracy, streamlined invoicing, examination registration and module deferral.

v  Improved gross surplus for WBS through avoidance of cancellation charges (£55k over past 4 years) and reduction in postage of registration documentation.


Key process changes

6-phase implementation plan involves development in-house by ISSU and MBA administrative team of a customised on-line elective registration system which will eventually handle/support module registrations, checking, elective choice confirmation, module timetabling, residential bookings, invoice generation, examination registration.



Phase 1 was prioritised by PROD in December 2009 and development by ISSU has commenced.



To be updated.

Improvement Team

Ailsa Chambers (Project Manager), Lorna Slack, Karen Bull, Paul Dawson, Jez, Todd, Jon Lees (Improvement Champion), Sue Parsons, Alan Gamble, Graeme Shaw, Simon Harper (Facilitator).