Previous Summer School Guest Speakers
We are privileged to welcome inspiring guest speakers to the Warwick Summer School on Process and Practiced studies who share their knowledge and expertise with our participants.
2024 theme: Impact of emerging "intelligent" technologies on organizational practices and processes

Samer Faraj holds the Canada Research Chair in Technology, Innovation & Organising at McGill University. His work spans innovation management, organisational theory, and healthcare management.
Professor Samer Faraj's McGill University pageLink opens in a new window

Theodore R. Schatzki, Professor of Geography, Philosophy, and Sociology, Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor, University Research Professor at University of Kentucky presented Digitalization and the Changing Forms of Social Phenomena Today.
Ted Schatzki's Kentucky University pageLink opens in a new window

Matt Beane, Assistant Professor, Technology Management Program, University of California, Santa Barbara presented his book The Skill Code: How to save human ability in an age of intelligent machines.
Matt Beane's web pages:
2023 theme: The Body and Embodiment

Charlotte Blanche, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal presented Artistic bodies and routine dynamics.

Dr A. Alexandra Michel presented When organizations change, so do bodies: Aging backward-and-forward.

Dr Stanley Blue, Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University gave an opening address to the 2023 Warwick Summer School on Process and Practice Studies.
2022 theme: Studying Emotion or Affect?

Charlene Zietsma, Max McGraw Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at SEAS (University of Michigan) and at the Ross School of Business, shared her work on emotional energy and emotions in organisations.
Charlene Zietsma's SEAS profile webpageLink opens in a new window.

Paul Stenner, Professor of Social Psychology at The Open University shared his work on theorising emotion and affect, and the emotional organisation.
Paul Stenner's OU profile webpageLink opens in a new window.

Marianna Fotaki, Professor of Business Ethics, University of Warwick Business School shared insights from her work on the importance of thinking critically about emotion and affect in organization studies.
Marianna Fotaki's University of Warwick webpageLink opens in a new window.
2021 theme: Pushing the Boundaries of Sociomateriality

Wanda Orlikowski, MIT Sloan School of Management, shared her views on the current state of the field of sociomateriality and what new directions might be possible in future cutting edge research. We reflected on how to move beyond notions of entanglement and imbrication and what emerging ideas that help to drive theorizing forward.

François Cooren, Université de Montréal, presented a provocation to the field and examined how we can stop automatically associating matter to something that can be touched or seen, that is, something tangible or visible. He presented ideas on how a focus on processes of materialization can move beyond notions of entanglement and imbrication.
François Cooren's Université de Montréal webpageLink opens in a new window.
2020 theme: Practice, Process and Issues of Scale in Global Challenges

Neil Pollock, Professor of Innovation and Social Informatics and Head of Entreneurship and Innovation Group at the University of Edinburgh Business School. Neil presented The Biography of Artefacts and Practices (BoAP).
Neil Pollock's University of Edinburgh Business School webpageLink opens in a new window.
Natalie Papanastasiou, Department of Sociology, Universitat Automona de Barcelona presented From scale as a category of analysis to a category of practice.
Natalie Papanastasiou's Academia pageLink opens in a new window.