Job Title
WBS - Teaching Groups
024 76524282
Research Interests
Practice-based approaches to the study of knowing, learning, and change in organisations; innovation process in healthcare and other complex environments; advancement of action-based approaches to learning and change; study and promotion of safety
Currently visiting professor at BI Norwegian Business School Oslo. Previously worked at the University of Trento (Italy) and held a senior social scientist position at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. Experience also in design and management of action-learning programmes and action-research based interventions.
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, 2024. EXPRESS: Towards a practice-theoretical view of the situated nature of attention. Strategic Organization, 22 (1), pp. 211-234
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Swan, Jacky, Nicolini, Davide, Tsoukas, Haridimos, 2023. What is the right thing to do? The constitutive role of organizationalethical frameworks in collective ethical sensemaking. Human Relations
- Nicolini, Davide, Korica, Maja, Bharatan, Ila, 2023. How insights from the field of information behavior can enrich understanding of knowledge mobilization. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 37 (2)
- 'Nicolini, Davide, 'Pyrko, Igor, 'Omidvar-Tehrani, Omid, 'Spanellis, Agnessa, 2022. 'Understanding communities of practice : taking stock and moving forward. Academy of Management Annals
- Nicolini, Davide, Reinecke, Juliane, Ismail, Aneeq M., 2021. You're grounded! Towards a theory of enactive legitimation, materiality and practice. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 71, pp. 87-115
- Nicolini, Davide, Korica, Maja, 2021. Attentional engagement as practice : a study of the attentional infrastructure of healthcare CEOs. Organization Science, 32 (5), pp. 1273-1299
- Pignot, Edouard, Nicolini, Davide, Thompson, Mark, 2020. Affective politics and technology buy-in : a framework of social, political and fantasmatic logics. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21 (4), pp. 901-935
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, Swan, Jacky, 2018. Integrating knowledge in the face of epistemic uncertainty : dialogically drawing distinctions. Management Learning, 49 (5), pp. 595-612
- Nicolini, Davide, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Masovic, Jasmina, Hanseth, Ole, 2018. The changing nature of expertise : insights from the case of TAVI. Studies in Continuing Education, 40 (3), pp. 306-322
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, Swan, Jacky, 2018. Integrating knowledge in the face of epistemic uncertainty: Dialogically drawing distinctions. Management Learning, 49 (5), pp. 595-612
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, Swan, Jacky, 2018. Integrating knowledge in the face of epistemic uncertainty: Dialogically drawing distinctions. Management Learning, 49 (5), pp. 595-612
- Swan, Jacky, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Manning, Rachel M., Nicolini, Davide, Sharp, David, Powell, John, 2017. Improving the capabilities of NHS organisations to use evidence : a qualitative study of redesign projects in Clinical Commissioning Groups. Health Services and Delivery Research, 5 (18), pp. 1-112
- Korica, Maja, Nicolini, Davide, Johnson, Bart Morley, 2017. In search of 'managerial work' : past, present and future of an analytical category. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19 (2), pp. 151-174
- Nicolini, Davide, Delmestri, Giuseppe, Goodrick, Elizabeth, Reay, Patricia, Lindberg, Kajsa, Adolfsson, Petra, 2016. Look what's back! Institutional complexity, reversibility and the knotting of logics. British Journal of Management, 27 (2), pp. 228-248
- Gorli, Mara, Nicolini, Davide, Scaratti, Giuseppe, 2015. Reflexivity in practice : tools and conditions for developing organizational authorship. Human Relations, 68 (8), pp. 1347-1375
- Nicolini, Davide, Korica, Maja, Ruddle, Keith, 2015. Staying in the know : overhauling your personal knowledge infrastructure. MIT Sloan Management Review, 56 (4)
- Taylor-Phillips, Sian, Clarke, Aileen, Grove, Amy L., Swan, Jacky, Parsons, Helen, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Mills, Penny, Powell, John, Nicolini, Davide, Roginski, Claudia, Scarbrough, Harry, 2014. Coproduction in commissioning decisions : is there an association with decision satisfaction for commissioners working in the NHS? A cross-sectional survey 2010/2011. BMJ Open, 4 (6)
- Clarke, Aileen, Taylor-Phillips, Sian, Swan, Jacky, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Mills, Penny, Nicolini, Davide, Powell, John, Roginski, Claudia, Scarbrough, Harry, Grove, Amy L., 2013. Evidence-based commissioning in the English NHS : who uses which sources of evidence? A survey 2010/2011. BMJ Open, 3 (5)
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, Swan, Jacky, 2012. Understanding the role of objects in cross-disciplinary collaboration. Organization Science, 23 (3), pp. 612-629
- Eikeland, Olav, Nicolini, Davide, 2011. Turning practically : broadening the horizon. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24 (2), pp. 164-174
- Nicolini, Davide, Waring, Justin, Mengis, Jeanne, 2011. The challenges of undertaking root cause analysis in health care: a qualitative study. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 16 (Supplement 1), pp. 34-41
- Nicolini, Davide, Waring, Justin, Mengis, Jeanne, 2011. Policy and practice in the use of root cause analysis to investigate clinical adverse events : mind the gap. Social Science & Medicine, Vol.73 (No.2), pp. 217-225
- Nicolini, Davide, 2011. Practice as the site of knowing : insights from the field of telemedicine. Organization Science, Vol.22 (No.3), pp. 602-620
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Swan, Jacky, Clarke, Aileen, Powell, John, Nicolini, Davide, Scarbrough, Harry, Roginski, Claudia, Taylor-Phillips, Sian, 2011. Mind the gap : understanding utilisation of evidence and policy in health care management practice. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol.25 (No.3), pp. 298-314
- Nicolini, Davide, 2010. Medical innovation as a process of translation : a case from the field of telemedicine. British Journal of Management, Vol.21 (No.4), pp. 1011-1026
- Nicolini, Davide, 2009. Articulating practice through the interview to the double. Management Learning, Vol.40 (No.2), pp. 195-212
- Nicolini, Davide, 2009. Zooming in and out : studying practices by switching theoretical lenses and trailing connections. Organization Studies, Vol.30 (No.12), pp. 1391-1418
- Nicolini, Davide, 2009. Something old, something new and something puzzling : a commentary on the Schneider-Geiger and Schreyogg debate. Management Learning, Vol.40 (No.4 Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 487-492
- Nicolini, Davide, Powell, John, Conville, Paul, Martinez-Solano, Laura, 2008. Managing knowledge in the healthcare sector. A review. International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.10 (No.3), pp. 245-263
- Gherardi, Silvia, Nicolini, Davide, Strati, Antonio, 2007. The passion for knowing. Organization, Vol.14 (No.3), pp. 315-329
- Nicolini, Davide, 2007. Studying visual practices in construction. Building Research and Information, Vol.35 (No.5), pp. 576-580
- Scarbrough, Harry, Robertson, Maxine, Swan, Jacky, Nicolini, Davide, 2007. Introduction : organizational learning, knowledge and capabilities conference issue. Management Learning, Vol.38 (No.3), pp. 259-263
- Nicolini, Davide, 2007. Stretching out and expanding work practices in time and space : the case of telemedicine. Human Relations, 60 (6), pp. 889-920
- Nicolini, Davide, 2006. The work to make telemedicine work: A social and articulative view. Social Science & Medicine, 62 (11), pp. 2754-2767
- Nicolini, Davide, Meznar, Martin B., 1995. The Social Construction of Organizational Learning : Conceptual and Practical Issues in the Field. Human Relations, 48 (7), pp. 727-746
- Nicolini, Davide, Giustini, Deborah, 2024. Die Anwendung der Praxistheorie in der ethnografischen Arbeit. In Budde, Jurgen; Rißler, Georg; Meier-Sternberg, Michael; Wischmann, Anke Wischmann (eds.), What's New? Neue Perspektiven in ethnographischer Erziehungswissenschaft, Leverkusen, Barbara Budrich, pp. 15-35
- Nicolini, Davide, Bharatan, Ila, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Manning, Rachel M., Swan, Jacky, 2023. From evidence use to evidencing work : towards a processual view of the role of evidence in commissioning policy-making. Burgess, Nicola; Currie, Graeme (eds.), Shaping sustainable healthcare : meaningful innovation and system transformation, Cham, Palgrave MacMillan
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, 2021. Practicing diffraction in video-based research. Grosjean, Silvye; Matte, Frederik (eds.), Organizational Video-Ethnography Revisited : Making Visible Material, Embodied and Sensory Practices, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Pivot
- Nicolini, Davide, Lippi, Andrea, Monteiro, Pedro, 2019. Systematic heterogeneity in the adaptation process of management innovations. Insights from the Italian public sector. In Reay, Trish; Zilbert, Tamar; Langley, Ann; Tsoukas, Haridimos (eds.), Institutions and Organizations. A Process View, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 194-226
- Korica, Maja, Nicolini, Davide, 2019. Tracing context as relational, discursive accomplishment : analytical lessons from a shadowing-based study of health care chief executives. Meier, Ninna; Dopson, Sue (eds.), Context in Action and How to Study It : Illustrations from Healthcare, Oxford University Press
- Nicolini, Davide, 2017. Practice theory as a package of theory, method and vocabulary : affordances and limitations. In Jonas, Micheal; Littig, Beate; Wroblewski, Angela (eds.), Methodological Reflections on Practice Oriented Theories, Berlin, Springer International Publishing, pp. 19-34
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, Meacheam, David, Waring, Justin, Swan, Jacky, 2016. Recovering the performative role of innovations in the Global Travel of Healthcare Practices : is there a ghost in the machine?. In Swan, Jacky; Newell, Sue; Nicolini, Davide (eds.), Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare: Challenges for Management and Organization, Oxford, Oxford: University Press, pp. 177-198
- Korica, Maja, Nicolini, Davide, 2016. Objects and monitoring practices : understanding CEOs' information work as mundane accomplishment. In Swan, J.; Newell, S.; Nicolini, Davide (eds.), Mobilising knowledge in healthcare : Challenges for management and organisation, Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, pp. 41-60
- Nicolini, Davide, 2016. Is small the only beautiful? Making sense of 'large phenomena' from a practise-based perspective. In Hui , A.; Schatzki, T.; Shove, E. (eds.), The Nexus of Practices Connections : constellations, practitioners, London ; New York, Routledge, pp. 98-113
- Nicolini, Davide, Monteiro, Pedro do Nascimento, 2016. The practice approach : for a praxeology of organizational and management studies. Langley, Ann; Tsoukas , Haridimos (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies, London, Sage
- Nicolini, Davide, Scarbrough, Harry, Gracheva, Julia, 2015. Communities of practice and situated learning in healthcare. Ferlie, Ewan; Montgomery, Kathleen; Reff Pedersen, Anne (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management, Oxford, OUP
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Swan, Jacky, Nicolini, Davide, 2014. Moral judgements as organizational accomplishments : insights from a focused ethnography in the English healthcare sector. In Cooren, François; Vaara, Eero; Langley, Ann; Tsoukas, Haridimos (eds.), Language and Communication at Work : Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 293-324
- Nicolini, Davide, Roe, Bridget, 2014. Surfacing the multiple : diffractive methods for rethinking professional practice and knowledge. In Fenwick, Tara J.; Nerland, Monika (eds.), Reconceptualising professional learning : sociomaterial knowledges, practices and responsibilities, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 67-81
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, 2011. Challenges to learning from clinical adverse events : a study of root cause analysis in practice. Rowley, Emma; Waring, Justin (eds.), Socio-cultural perspectives on patient safety, Farnham, Ashgate
- Nicolini, Davide, 2009. Zooming in and zooming out : a package of method and theory to study work practices. Ybema, S.; Yanow, D.; Wels, H.; Kamsteeg, F. H. (eds.), Organizational ethnography : studying the complexities of everyday life, Los Angeles ; London, Sage
- Nicolini, Davide, 2007. Hegemony. In Clegg, Stewart; Bailey, James (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, London, UK, Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 580-582
- Hurst, Matthew James, Nicolini, Davide, Wiedner, Rene, 2021. We get them running through walls : strategizing via an indignation-based moral battery. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2021: Bringing the Manager Back in Management, AoM 2021, Virtual, 29 Jul - 4 Aug 2022, Published in Academy of Management Proceedings
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Swan, Jacky, Nicolini, Davide, Scarbrough, Harry, 2011. Rational judgement revisited: Practices of deliberation in healthcare funding decisions. Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, Hull University Business School, 12-14th April 2011, Published in Proceedings of the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Swan, Jacky, Nicolini, Davide, Scarbrough, Harry, Roginski, Claudia, 2011. Rational decision making revisited : practices of deliberation in healthcare funding decisions. 27th EGOS Colloquium: Reassembling Organizations, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 6?9, 2011, Published in Proceedings of the 27th EGOS Colloquium: Reassembling Organizations
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Nicolini, Davide, Swan, Jacky, 2011. Objects of evidence in organisations: insights from studying healthcare funding decision making. Third International Symposium on Process Organisation Studies, Corfu, Greece, 16-18 Jun, 2011
- Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Robertson, Maxine, Swan, Jacky, Clarke, Aileen, Powell, John, Nicolini, Davide, Scarbrough, Harry, Roginski, Claudia, Taylor-Phillips, Sian, 2010. Understanding Knowledge Utilisation in Healthcare Management Practice. 7th Biennial Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care, Birmingham, UK, 11-14th Apr, 2010
- Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, Swan, Jacky, 2009. Cross disciplinary learning in the space between expertise and ignorance. 25th EGOS Colloquium : Exploring innovative approaches for governing climate change, Barcelona, Spain
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, Swan, Jacky, 2009. Integrating knowledge through grounding expertise and ignorance. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, 2?4 Jul, 2009, Published in Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium
- Nicolini, Davide, Reay, Patricia, Delmestri, G., Goodrick, E., Adolfsson, P., Lindberg, K., 2009. Institutional logics and material practices : international comparisons of retail pharmacy. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, 2?4 Jul 2009, Published in Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium
- Nicolini, Davide, Lippi, A., 2009. Translating best practice in the Italian public sector : between homogeneity and chaos. 2009 Academy of Management: Green Management Matters, Chicago, Illinois, August 7-11, 2009, Published in Proceeding of the 2009 Academy of Management
- Nicolini, Davide, Reay, Patricia, Delmestri, G., Goodrick, E., Adolfsson, P., Lindberg, K., 2009. Knotting together institutional logics. Insights from the field of community pharmacy. 5th Workshop New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy, 26-27 Mar 2009
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, 2009. Working together in the space between expertise and ignorance. 2009 Academy of Management: Green Management Matters, Chicago, Illinois, 7-11 Aug 2009, Published in Proceeding of the 2009 Academy of Management
- Nicolini, Davide, 2009. What can a practice-based sensitivity offer to the Action Research movement. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, 2?4 Jul 2009, Published in Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium
- Nicolini, Davide, Mengis, Jeanne, Swan, Jacky, 2008. The role of objects in cross-boundary collaboration. A case from the field of bioengineering. 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, 8-13 Aug 2008, Published in Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
- Swan, Jacky, Mengis, Jeanne, Nicolini, Davide, 2008. Working together in the space between expertise and ignorance. The Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-30 Apr 2008
- Swan, Jacky, Clarke, Aileen, Nicolini, Davide, Powell, John, Scarbrough, Harry, Roginski, Claudia, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Mills, Penny, Taylor-Phillips, Sian, 2012. Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD) : advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management : final report. National Institute for Health Research
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Practice-theoretical Account of Organizational Attention | Swiss National Science Foundation | 01 Jan 2022 | 31 Dec 2025 |
KIN Membership 19/20 The British Council | British Council | 01 Feb 2020 | 31 Jan 2021 |
KIN Membership 19/20 Severn Trent Water | Severn Trent Water Ltd | 01 Nov 2019 | 31 Oct 2020 |
Norton Rose KIN Membership 19/20 | Norton Rose Limited | 01 Jul 2019 | 30 Jun 2020 |
KIN Membership 2019/20 | British Council | 01 Feb 2019 | 31 Jan 2020 |
Developing Skills through Learning in Practice (ESRC Post Doc Fellowship - Ila Bharatan) | ESRC | 01 Oct 2018 | 30 Sept 2019 |
KIN Knowledge Innovation Network 18/19 | Macmillan Cancer Support | 01 Jul 2018 | 30 Jun 2019 |
KIN Membership 18/19 | Norton Rose Limited | 06 Jun 2018 | 05 Jun 2019 |
HSDR: Improving the capabilities of NHS organisations to use evidence: A Process Model | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Jun 2013 | 31 May 2016 |
NHS Top Managers, Knowledge Exchange and Leadership: The Early Development of AcademicHealth Science Networks(HS&DR 12/5002/19) | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Sept 2013 | 29 Feb 2016 |
The organisational practices of knowledge mobilisation at top manager level in the NHS | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Dec 2010 | 30 Nov 2012 |
Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD) - Advancing Knowledge Utilization in Healthcare Management | National Coordinating Centre for the Service Delivery and Organisation | 01 Jan 2009 | 31 Dec 2010 |
Improving the Capacity of the NHS to Act on Evidence in Patient Safety | EPSRC | 01 Apr 2009 | 30 Sept 2009 |
Improving the Capacity of the NHS to Act On Evidence in Patient Safety | EPSRC | 01 Sept 2007 | 31 Mar 2009 |
Knowledge Management Systems for Lean Healthcare | EPSRC | 01 Apr 2006 | 30 Sept 2006 |