How KIN can help
KIN is a non-profit network of private, public and third sector organisations, supporting their efforts in becoming innovating organisations. The challenge to be fit for the future is demanding and effective practices are emerging. Our network is designed to support professionals to lead that change through practice, knowledge and skills development.
KIN is fully owned and run by Warwick Business School. It is kept deliberately small in order to foster trust and psychological safety and the ability to ‘get behind’ what makes innovative techniques effective.
KIN benefits at a glance
Diverse sectors
Having organisations from different industry sectors provides a unique learning atmosphere and diversity of thinking. The focus of KIN is to provide learning opportunities and management tools that are relevant, usable and add value to members. The practical application and learning from other sectors are the major benefits of the KIN network.
Research and depth
At the core of KIN’s approach is the assumption that innovating in organisations stems from the effective management of knowledge, ideas and information. This assumption, which stems from the scientific work of WBS scholars and the accumulated experience of KIN members, has underpinned the activity of the network since 2001.
A rich and value adding offering
The member benefits include an extensive calendar of events - typically one per month. Additionally, our dedicated account management and consulting time is a unique and much valued aspect of membership.
- Our quarterly workshops are highly interactive and hands on. They are thematically focussed on one of the pillars of the innovating organisation and always offer a mix of horizon-widening contributions and practical advice. Participants hear from world leading experts, experiment with new tools and learn new approaches and share experiences with other members in a safe, facilitated vendor-free environment.
- KIN organises the annual KIN/WBS Innovation Summit at the Shard, London. During this high profile event members can meet and hear from leading companies, academics and experts about the evolving landscape and emerging trends in the innovation space.
- Members have access to dedicated Facilitators who work to connect wants and offers and ensure connections are developed and insights shared.
- KIN maintains a content-rich and secure online MemberSpace which stores hundreds of immediately usable tools, as well as the techniques and content of all previous workshops. We also run a private and secure LinkedIn forum.
- The KIN annual network analysis is our systematic way to identify and measure high performing elements within member organisations. This allows KIN to bridge the competency gap and inform our programme. It also allows member organisations to set measurable innovation and learning improvement targets
- KIN members have access to academic and applied research from the IKON Research Group at Warwick Business School (IKON is the founding body for KIN). Corporate members of KIN also become members of Warwick Business School’s extended community and have access to selected events both in Coventry and London.
More information available hereLink opens in a new window
We believe the best way to discover how KIN can benefit your organisation is to join us at one of our quarterly Workshops where you can experience the unique environment for yourself and chat to existing members.
Please contact us at if you would like to discuss participation.
We would be very happy to talk to you!