Rob Poole
Senior Teaching Fellow
Barrister, LLB(Hons) (Warwick), M.A. (Warwick), Chartered FCIPD
In addition to working for WBS, Rob has been employed by major Plc's as an in-house employment lawyer specialising in litigation and advocacy. He has successfully represented clients across a wide range of cases at the Employment Tribunals in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Undergraduate teaching at WBS includes modules in Company Law, Business Law, Business Law II and Law for Entrepreneurs. Rob also teaches postgraduate students on the Human Resource Management Professional Practice module. Rob is a member of Gray's Inn and also Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Previous work experience includes consultancy in human resources and employment law matters for Warwick Business School and the University of Reading.
IB3F20 Company Law (UGRAD)
IB3G40 Law for Entrepreneurs (UGRAD)
IB1130 Business Law (UGRAD)
IB2370 Business Law 2 (UGRAD)
IB9DN HRM Professional Practice (PGRAD)
Accounting Group
1.114 Scarman Road
Warwick Business School
University of Warwick
T: +44 (0) 24 7652 2174