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Dr Nese Ceren Tosun

Early Career Teaching Fellow at IATL

Nese studied sociology, political science, film, cultural and performance studies before embarking on an interdisciplinary research journey on food, performance and migration at the School of Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick University. Her latest research focuses on à la Turca foodscapes in London.

She is curious about the intricate ways in which food related tasks enable us to communicate and dwell,via journeys that carry marks of ethnicity, religion, gender and national identities, but that are not necessarily defined by these.

Home is where you make food happen, she claims.

She currently teaches the Critical Issues in Law and Management Module at Warwick Business School and will be co-covenor for two IATL modules in 2018/19 - Reinventing Education and Applied Imagination. Her pedagogy involves increasing the body, space and affect awareness of students, to ultimately enable them to critically and creatively engage with law and business case studies, as well as larger issues.

As an IAS/IATL Early Career Teaching fellow, she further explores the possibilities of a food-enabled transdisciplinary pedagogy. She also builds bridges between academic work and various publics as Impact Officer for the AHRC funded Sensing the City Project at Theatre and Performance Studies Department.

Tel: 024 765 22450 / Room: 1.105
