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Scenario 2018

Scenario Planning and Foresight 2018

Advancing Theory and Improving Practice
10 - 11 December 2018, Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK

This is a call for the second conference on Scenario Planning and Foresight: Advancing Theory and Improving Practice. Building on the success of the first conference on Scenario Planning (2015), we are extending the scope
of the conference to include contributions from the wider field of Foresight.
This will be a two-day event with keynote addresses from distinguished academics and experienced
practitioners, and discussions on the latest developments in academic research and practical applications
relating to scenario analysis.

We are inviting academics and practitioners to submit abstracts of up to 500 words (including references).
All submissions will be reviewed to be accepted to the conference.

Academics’ contributions could be both theoretical and empirical from any field of scenario planning or foresight.
The abstracts should indicate: the research focus; the literature to which they are contributing; a short
description of the methodology; and an indication of the research outcomes.
We welcome contributions from doctoral students for whom there will be a limited number of bursaries to
cover the registration fee.

Practitioners’ contributions could be both from their own organisation and/or consultancy projects.
Abstracts should indicate the nature of the intervention and an indication on the lessons learned.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
Thomas J. Chermack
is a Professor of Organizational Learning, Performance and Change at Colorado State University where he also directs the Scenario Planning Institute. As a researcher, he has focused on studying the history and outcomes of scenario planning. The author of “Scenario Planning in Organizations”, and “Foundations of Scenario Planning: The Story of Pierre Wack”, he has focused on how 0rganizational leaders use scenarios to manage uncertainty. He is commonly quoted in academic research and consults widely related to scenarios. He is also a frequent speaker at planning and futures conferences around the world.

René Rohrbeck is a Professor of Strategy and Associate Dean of Corporate Relations at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. He received his doctorate from the Technische Universität Berlin for his research on strategic foresight. He has benchmarked over 450 companies and advised over 50 top management teams on how to increase their future preparedness. At Aarhus BSS, he leads the Strategic Foresight Research Network, which develops methods for participatory foresight and scenario-based strategizing and conducts regular benchmarking studies.
Before joining academia, René worked for Volkswagen in electronic strategy and for Deutsche Telekom to foster technology foresight and innovation management in the corporate R&D labs. Today, he is Partner at a Berlin-based consultancy that serves public clients, private-public partnerships, and multinational organizations, and he teaches in several international executive education programs, where he focuses on prospective strategy, business model innovation, and strategic foresight.

The conference organisers have secured special issues of two journals, "Futures & Foresight Science" and
"Technological Forecasting and Social Change", for publication of selected conference presentations.
Full versions of papers presented at our conference can be submitted by 31 March 2019 for consideration for
inclusion in our special issues. More details of the special issues and the submission process will be announced
at the Scenario 2018 Conference.
UPDATE: "Futures & Foresight Science" deadline for submission has been extended to 31 May 2019

Authors of accepted papers are required to register before 15 November 2018
to ensure their paper is scheduled in the programme

Non-author registration will close at 24.00 hrs (GMT) on 30 November 2018

Register to attend here

Conference Abstract submission deadline: 31 October 2018 (now closed)

Authors will be notified about acceptance as soon as possible after their submission has been reviewed.
Further details of the conference (schedule, registration, accommodation, travel etc.) will appear and be updated on this conference website over the coming weeks and months.

Please visit the OR Society website for details of the Cancelation and Refund Policy

Main contact:

Organising Committee:
Dr F. O’Brien

Prof. M. Meadows (‎

Dr E. Tapinos (

Dr N. Pyper (

Prof. G. Wright (


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