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Undergraduate Appointments Homepage

Welcome to the homepage to make an appointment with the Undergraduate Programme Team


During this academic year, the Undergraduate Programme Team will have a few different ways to meet with us. Some teams will be hosting a number of different bookable appointments for students. Please select the booking form below which is most relevant for your query:

  • Course Directors - Find contact information to arrange a meeting with your Course Director, to provide feedback on your degree or to raise a query with them
  • Senior Tutors - Find contact information to arrange a meeting with your Senior Tutor to discuss any complex and sensitive pastoral issues
  • Associate Dean- Find contact information to arrange a meeting with Mark Johnson, the Associate Dean of WBS
  • Undergraduate Programme Team booking form - arrange either a virtual or face-to-face meeting with a member of the Operations sub- team to discuss any queries related to the day-to-day running of your degree
  • International and Placements Team booking form - arrange a virtual meeting with a member of the International & Placements sub-team if you are interested in, or currently undertaking, a year abroad or year in industry as part of your degree
  • Student Experience and Engagement Team Appointment Booking- arrange a meeting with a member of the Student Experience and Experience sub-team to discuss student experience, student voice or pastoral matters, such as guidance with mitigating circumstances
  • Student Experience and Engagement Team Manager booking form - Find contact information to arrange a meeting with Gemma Barber, the Student Experience and Engagement team manager

Important things to note:

  • Please read the instructions on each of the pages.
  • For the page with booking forms, you will need to provide a brief reason as to why you'd like to meet. This helps the individual who is meeting you to prepare (information provided in the overview will only be seen by the relevant administrator of the booking form and the individual who you are meeting).
  • All meetings will need to be approved. Once approved, a calendar invite will be sent to all individuals involved in the meeting (to their Warwick email account).
  • This year, bookings can take place via Microsoft Teams or in-person, please advise your preference when booking. For guidance on how to download and use Microsoft Teams please see the following guidance: