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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a donation if I am based in the UK?

You can set up a Direct Debit to give monthly, quarterly or annually via our secure Direct Debit form. Alternatively, you can give regularly via a Give as You Earn scheme – speak to your payroll/HR team to see if this is an option for you.

To give a single gift, you can use our online payment form here or alternatively send a cheque made payable to “The University of Warwick” to the following address:

Engagement Group
University House
University of Warwick

We also accept gifts via CAF card, CAF cheque and a CAF Standing Order. See the CAF website for more details and contact us if you need help.

How do I make a donation if I am based overseas?

Giving tax-efficiently from Europe and the United States. Please contact for more information.

You can also give via the same methods as within the UK – please be aware that you will need to have a UK bank account to set up a Direct Debit, but we can accept single gifts in the same way as above.

We can also accept bank transfers, please notify us at if you would like to give via bank transfer, and specify any intended direction for your gift.

I’m currently giving to Warwick and I want to change the amount I give / cancel my donation – how do I do this?

Contact us via and let us know what you would like us to amend with regards to your donation.

How do I update my contact information, such as my address or phone number?

You can e-mail us at to advise us of any changes – it helps if you can provide the old contact information in addition to the new so we can identify you.

Alternatively, if you are a graduate of Warwick, you can use our dedicated alumni website to update your details.

My company matches employee giving – how can I take advantage of this?

Contact your payroll or HR team to ask for their procedures. Many employers will match giving if you donate via Give as You Earn – please check with them.

What is the University of Warwick’s charitable status?

The university is an exempt charity with HMRC Reference Number XR67172 and Royal Charter Number RC000678. Exempt charities have a different regulator than the Charity Commission; the Office for Students is our principal regulator.

Can I leave a legacy gift / make provision for Warwick in my will?

Yes, you can - we have a dedicated page for Legacy giving information and enquiries. We would love to hear from you so we can work with you to ensure that your gift is used for a purpose that aligns with your intentions - you can fill out the form on the Legacies page, or contact us on

I have a question about giving via Shares.

Please contact our Philanthropic Finance Manager who will be able to assist with any questions related to Shares

I have another question.

Contact us at with your query and we will be happy to help. The account is monitored by our team during working hours, and we aim to respond to you within 48 hours.