Policy on the Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts*
Fundraising is performed by the Development & Alumni Engagement office on behalf of the University of Warwick. This policy is designed to ensure that gifts are not solicited or accepted which are judged to be unethical or which put the reputation of the University at unacceptable risk.
The following six broad areas have been identified where gifts should not be solicited or accepted:
- Involvement of illegally or unethically obtained funds;
- Unacceptable conflict of interest, including companies or products that are counter to the values and culture of the University;
- Attempts to make fully anonymous gifts;
- Risk to institutional integrity or academic freedom;
- Disproportionate risk to institutional reputation;
- Doubt over the ability of the potential donor to make an informed decision.
The University Council has delegated authority to the Fundraising Ethics Committee for the purpose of ruling on decisions taken in accordance with this policy. In all areas of doubt the Fundraising Ethics Committee will consider all relevant facts and decide whether any particular donation or class of gifts can be accepted.
* The above is an abridged version of the Policy on the Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts. The full version is available on request from the Secretary to Council.