Is a Win-Win Sino-African Relationship Possible?
Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso
Rector, University of Dschang, Cameroon
China-Africa relations
Thursday 21 September 2023 15.30 - 16.30. The Oculus - OC0.02
Followed by refreshments and networking
The aim of this presentation is to analyse economic cooperation between China and Africa, which, although long-standing, has seen major developments since the 1990s. We begin by setting the context, with a distant America, a condescending Europe and an intriguing Asia at the heart of which is emerging a new vision led by China. We observe that the modus operandi for implementing China's presence on the African continent differs in many respects from that of traditional partners such as France, Europe, the USA or Canada. Documented examination of this cooperation requires answers to the following questions: how does this cooperation work (principles, supervision, role of state actors)? What are its key characteristics (visible cooperation, humanly supervised, uninhibited, competitive)? What results have been achieved and what lessons have been learned (trade, investment, financing)? How is this cooperation affected by COVID and the OBOR ("One Belt - One Road") initiative creating the New Silk Roads? What are the prospects for this cooperation, in both positive and negative terms?
Ultimately, the lessons learned from this analysis can help to provide an answer to a question that recurs in the studies, namely whether China is a threat or an opportunity for Africa.
After studying at the University of Yaoundé (Cameroon) and the University of Auvergne at Clermont-Ferrand (France), Roger Tsafack Nanfosso holds a Ph.D. in Business Economics and “Doctorate of State” in Labour Economics. Professor “agrégé” of Economics and Rector of the University of Dschang in Cameroon, he is Commander of Cameroon National Value Order, Officer of the French Academic Palms, Officer of CAMES Academic Palms, and works as a lecturer and consultant in many international universities and institutions in Africa and Europe. He is author or co-author of about twenty books and more than one hundred articles published in Africa, Europe, America and China. He is Director of the Centre for Research in Applied Microeconomics (REMA); Member of a dozen Scientific Societies including the American Economic Association (AEA) and the Cameroonian Academy of Sciences; Member of the Scientific or Writing Committee of a dozen International Journals; and Member of the External Reference Group (ERG) of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). He is the Chairman of the Network of the Universities and Research Institutions of Central Africa (REESIRAC), and General Secretary of the International Association of French Speaking Economists (AIELF). Areas of expertise include economics, microeconomics, capacity building, corporate management and economic policy management.
Register for China-Africa relations lecture
Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso