The University has longstanding connections with India across our three faculties. We aim to further develop and strengthen a portfolio of equitable and sustainable partnerships with institutions in India, that can enhance our joint potential to create a better world together through our research and education.
Latest News

Researchers from Warwick Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) are collaborating with early-career researchers from Commonwealth countries to support their growth into future climate research leaders.
Dr Feng Mao and Dr Vangelis Pitidis of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) lead on the research theme of ‘Water Security in a Changing World’. They act as mentors to early-career research fellows including those from India (Vellore Institute of Technology), serving as co-investigators on a 6-month research project, funded by the programme.
Our Collaborations

Warwick-India-Canada (WIC) Network/ TRANSFORM
Established in 2017 with support from NIHR, the Warwick-India-Canada (WIC) Network has brought together knowledge and expertise of four institutions (Warwick, UK; All India Institute for Medical Sciences, India; Schizophrenia Research Foundation, India and McGill University, Canada) with the aim to reduce the burden of psychotic disorders in India.
The partnership has since grown and is also working to improve access to care and outcomes of Serious Mental Disorders in slums in several locations globally through TRANSFORM project.

Widening Access to Higher Education in India
Researchers in Warwick Education Studies and Warwick Law School are collaborating with partners in India to strengthen the efforts of state universities and government colleges based in rural and semi-urban areas of India in delivering on the equity and social justice agenda for higher education in India.
Funded by the Fair Chance Foundation, this project builds on the research that examined gender differences in choices, obstacles and opportunities for young people, as they progress through the education system, and how these factors affect their ability to make informed choices in relation to accessing higher education.

Warwick India Forum
Warwick India Forum is a student society, whose goal is to generate awareness and understanding of India and to provide a platform for its members to address some of the country's most pressing socio-economic, political, cultural, and environmental issues. Warwick India Forum holds an annual flagship event in January, and other events throughout the year.

British Council: Women in STEM
The British Council Women in STEM scholarships enable female scientists to undertake postgraduate study at Warwick.
Manpreet Kaur Saini, an Indian scholar studying Food Security, reflects on her time at Warwick and advises girls and women to believe in themselves and “never give up, as true talent and skills transcend gender bias”.
Further Support
Researchers and educators
There are a range of external and internal funding sources that can bring together researchers and educators from across the world. Explore our Funding for International Activities
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