Applied Young Economist Webinar

Young economists shaping their future.
Community Expertise is the need to Understand
In April 2020 the Monash Warwick Alliance proved a perfect partnership for developing and launching the Applied Young Economist Webinar (AYEW) series. Its aim was to prevent young economists becoming isolated during the pandemic.
How did this work?
The webinars created a platform where young researchers (PhD and Post-Doctoral students) from across the world could present their work and receive feedback. Having a European/US East coast edition hosted by the University of Warwick, and an Australasian/US West coast edition hosted by Monash University allowed this Alliance based initiative to cover practically all time zones and reach a global audience.
Developing an international webinar series
During the pandemic’s early days, Monash economist Dr Ashani Amarasinghe found conferences cancelled and her career network closing down. By joining forces with PhD candidate Ivan Yotzov of the Warwick University Economics Department they developed an online webinar series that could showcase young scholars and reach a greater audience across multiple time zones. The Applied Young Economists Webinar (AYEW) series has now become a highly respected international webinar and recently hosted more than 100 events.
A virtual economics network
The idea behind the Applied Young Economists Webinar series was to create a platform for PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers to connect, interact and engage with each others work while sharing their enthusiasm for the discipline of Economics. Young economists conducting empirical research in various fields of Economics could join the virtual location and share their high-quality research and ideas with an international audience - including faculty members.
Professional Development
The webinar series brings together PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers working in various fields of Economics across the world. It provides a platform for early-career economists to share their work beyond their home universities, gain feedback, and make new connections.
After two years AYEW now has 1500 people on its mailing list and up to 70 attendees at weekly webinars.
“I believe that the Applied Young Economist Webinar will continue to exist into the future now that the pandemic is behind us. It provides a platform for high-quality research by young economists to share their work in a friendly environment with participants from all over the world.” - Ivan Yotzov (Research Associate - Economics)
Get Involved with AYEW
In addition to the AYEW, Ivan and Ashani also organised several extra initiatives for job market candidates, such as a Job Market Roundtable in December 2020, and the Econ Job Market Vlog. These are available on the AYEW website.
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