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More than a decade of global impact: the Monash Warwick Alliance forges ahead

In 2012 Monash University and the University of Warwick embarked on a ground-breaking partnership, the Monash Warwick Alliance (MWA), a pioneering model for international collaboration woven into the very fabric of both institutions.

Founded on shared principles of academic excellence and social impact, both universities had risen to international prominence through world-class research, a commitment to providing an exceptional educational offering, and a dedication to addressing complex challenges. The Alliance emerged as a natural progression, harnessing and enhancing these combined strengths to forge a unique synergy.

The Alliance was established to promote and develop the excellent collaboration between researchers, educators, students, and professional staff, and harness our collective strengths to empower research and education activities.

Our Researchers

Together, Monash and Warwick researchers have joined the global effort to fight Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), explored cancer treatments, revolutionised healthcare, advanced mental health understanding, tackled migration issues, and delved into the mysteries of particle physics.

They've co-authored more than 1,150 research publications and launched over 100 joint projects, fostering a new generation of collaborative researchers.

Our Educators

Our educators share best practice and collaborate in pedagogic research to develop innovative education initiatives and transform the student experience into a truly global education.

One example created through the Alliance is the digital internship programme for students - TeaMWork. The TeaMWork programme engages with industry to offer real-world learning opportunities to students. In 2023 over 450 Monash Warwick Alliance students took part in TeaMWork, a 26% growth on 2022. In 2024 TeaMWork will offer 175 places per Alliance institution.

Our Students

Students are at the heart of the Monash Warwick Alliance, and their experiences are equally vital to our success.

Joint PhD programs, exchange programs, and virtual conferences have empowered our students, providing them with a global perspective and invaluable cross-cultural skills.

The Alliance has enabled more than 1,000 students from Australia, the UK and Malaysia to undertake a mobility experience.

Building on Success: A Strategy for 2024 - 2027

The Alliance Strategy has a three-year horizon (2024-2027) to ensure the Alliance remains adaptable and receptive to changes in research, education and innovative collaboration in its next phase. The 2024-2027 Strategy has been developed to articulate the shared principles, structures, and mechanisms for continued research, education, and professional services collaboration through the Monash Warwick Alliance and enables academics, students, and staff to have increased visibility and access to collaborative opportunities.

The Alliance will explore alignment between Monash and Warwick’s wider international locations and networks, reaching out beyond Australia and the United Kingdom to provide even more opportunities for international engagement.

Our Guiding Principles

The Monash Warwick Alliance is guided by core principles that ensure our collaborations are strategically aligned, innovative, mutually beneficial and display transformative potential. These principles inform our approach to research, education, and knowledge exchange, ensuring our initiatives deliver lasting impact for our students, faculty, and the wider community.

Research Strategy and funding

The Alliance research strategy supports projects with transformative potential that align with both institutions' priorities. Through two funding tiers, the Alliance supports the early development of potentially transformative research projects and the growth of longer-term and impactful projects with significant external funding potential. The Alliance is committed to fostering a vibrant and connected Alliance doctoral community and enabling student access to our respective global networks and international and industry partners.

Alliance Research Activation Fund

This fund will support researchers in establishing new links and advancing existing collaborations.

Major Research Initiative Fund

This fund will foster access to large-scale funding for projects that demonstrate a strong potential for impact, which may include the ability to attract significant external funding.

Doctoral Training Community Focus

The Alliance will facilitate strong connections between Monash and Warwick PhD students, helping to create the next generation of collaborative researchers through enhancing the existing joint doctoral program and building new training offerings, mentoring programmes, and cohort building initiatives.

Education Strategy and funding

The Monash Warwick Alliance education strategy focuses on transformative projects that enhance international collaboration, student experience, and innovation. The Alliance supports initiatives that align with respective and mutual educational goals and demonstrate the potential to significantly impact student learning and outcomes. Co-creating education initiatives with students is integral to the Alliance, and the Alliance will expand successful initiatives such as the TeaMWork programme.

Alliance Education Activation Fund

This fund will support staff in initiating, collaborating, and delivering projects that internationalise teaching and learning and that incorporate student co-creation.

Strategic Education Fund

This fund will foster larger-scale programmes with clear potential for sustainability and scalability.

Professional Services opportunities

Building on past exchanges and learning in the professional services space, the Alliance will establish a new funding scheme to support joint initiatives to build capacity between professional services areas.

Professional Services Collaboration Fund

This fund will facilitate collaborative activity, including benchmarking, exchange of good practice and visits.

Upcoming Key Dates:

Application forms and detailed guidelines will be available in late July for the Major Research Initiative Fund and the Strategic Education Fund; and in August for Research and Education Activation Funds, and the Professional Services Collaboration Fund. Find out more about our pre-call funding information here.

01 August:

Calls open for funds with rolling deadline:

  • Major Research Initiative Fund
  • Strategic Education Fund

09 September:

Calls open for October 2024 round:

  • Research Activation Fund
  • Education Activation Fund
  • Professional Services Collaboration Fund

25 October:

Calls close for October 2024 round.


Results communicated to applicants

January 2025:

Funded projects start.

Find out more

Get in touch with our team to help find your project partner at our partner institution, put your funding application together and answer any questions you may have:

If you'd like to register your interest in collaborating through the Monash Warwick Alliance, please complete this short registration form. We'll use the information you provide to help link you up with the right person.

Sign up to the MWA newsletter to hear first when the call guidelines and application forms are available.