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Professor Rob Raven

What motivated you to work with the Monash Warwick Alliance?Shirin Rai

The Monash Warwick Alliance allowed us to deepen our connections with the Global Sustainable Development Institute at Warwick University and explore a collaborative agenda on sustainable development of informal settlements.

What are your top three collaboration achievements so far?

Due to COVID-19, we had to rethink many of the originally planned activities in the project, because international travel was no longer possible. I consider it a major achievement of the teams to have been able to move our collaborative efforts to online activities and rethinking the original plans. Despite the challenges, a major achievement is that we recently won new funding for developing a living lab for the Citarum River Transformation project in Indonesia. Prior to this, another major achievement has been the signing of the collaborative agreement between Monash University and the West Java government to revitalise the Citarum River. Under the Monash Warwick alliance, we are currently planning work to understand and conceptualise how circular business and behaviours can drive sustainable river transformation in informal settlements.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve through your collaboration?

Ultimately we hope we can make a meaningful contribution to developing knowledge and impact for a sustainable transformation of the Citarum River and its communities.

Can you share one fun fact about yourself or your work?

I have a serious craving for eating 95% dark chocolate and never let a day pas without getting some!

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