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Get involved – Submission form

We are looking to commission and create a balanced and comprehensive programme of innovative, forward-looking and inclusive activities during 2025 – online, on campus and off campus – that will engage and excite our audiences in our 2030 story of change.

All proposals will be assessed against the 60th anniversary outcomes and should explain how the activity will contribute to longer-term outcomes.
We have included a pdf version for you to download to support planning - take a look at the 60th Programme Call for Ideas Brief documentLink opens in a new window to understand what we're looking for.

The form is designed to be simple as possible, whilst still capturing all the information required to evaluate each submission, thank you in advance for your ideas.

Do you have a brilliant idea – but also some questions? Join an online drop in session to get some guidance on filling in the submission form.

The deadline for online submissions was 23:00 on Friday 31 May 2024.

Thank you for your submissions, we are now processing all of them and taking recommendations to an oversight board. We will be in touch when we can!