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Our people: Successes

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University Awards 2019 winners

Congratulations to all those who received University Awards at the summer party! Find out who the winners and highly commended nominees are.

Teaching Excellence award winners

Congratulations to the staff and postgraduates recognised in our annual Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence! See the winners and commendees.

Personal tutoring award winners

See who has won our inaugural Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence. Congratulations to the winners!

Outstanding Student Contribution Awards

The winners of Warwick's OSCAs have been announced. Look out for more information about the winning students over the coming weeks.

Warwick pregnancy researchers named among Nation’s Lifesavers

Professor Siobhan Quenby and Professor Jan Brosens from Warwick Medical School have been named by Universities UK as two of the Nation’s Lifesavers – the top 100 individuals or groups based in universities whose work is saving lives and making a life-changing difference to our health and wellbeing.

Tue 21 May 2019, 12:19 | Tags: Faculty of Science, Engineering & Medicine

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