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Wonders and Wows Nominees

It was great to see so many high-quality nominations for our fourth round (April-August 2024) of Warwick Wonders and Wows!

A huge well done to everyone who was put forward by their colleagues for going above and beyond to make a positive difference.

And the Wonders nominees are...

Well done to all these brilliant colleagues, nominated in our fourth round of Wonders and Wows.

Once more, there were so many nominees that we decided to group people by department, to make it easier to find friends and colleagues.

Staff are listed under departments based on the information provided in the nomination forms and organisational structures. If a correction is needed, please let us know at .

And the Wow nominees are...

  • Postgraduate Admissions, CIM - Admissions
  • CCSG Finance Team - CCSG

  • Rootes grocery store- CCSG

  • Keeping our Campus Safe - Community Safety

  • Providing all year-round support to Warwick Students on Campus- Community Safety

  • Video series created for the new Institute of Translational Medicine- Creative Services

  • Researcher Development Online Facilitator Team - Doctoral College

  • Institutional Teaching and Learning Review - Education Policy and Quality

  • Faculty of Arts Inclusive Education Project - Faculty of Arts

  • Work in Progress History PG Sessions - School of History

  • Fernandes Fellowship - IAS

  • Transformation to agile working while maintaining business as usual to a high standard - IDG

  • Development and implementation of the new online booking system for Warwick Food and Drink - IDG

  • Innovation Hub - IDG

  • Ongoing AV support for events throughout the academic year - IDG and AV Services

  • Warwick Mediation team- Law

  • Sutton Trust Summer School - Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science
  • Success in the Legal and Compliance Services team- Legal and Compliance Services
  • National Scientific Thinking Challenge- Marketing, Communications and Insight

  • Recovery of the Astro group after the loss of Tom Marsh - Physics

  • The Portering Team - Post and Portering

  • Voucher Process Redesign - Procurement

  • Risk and Resilience Team - Secretary to Council's Office

  • The Language Centre team - SMLC

  • Managing and delivering centrally scheduled exams in a volatile and changing landscape - Student Administrative Services

  • Student Sponsor Licence - Student Immigration

  • Start-up business support - Science Park

  • Re-structure of finance procedures - UWSP Finance

  • Setting up, opening and running the new production kitchen in Uni House - Warwick Food Group

  • A Write Space - WMG

With such a large number of nominations, unfortunately we are not able to let everyone know who nominated them and why.

If you nominated a colleague, please consider letting them know and thanking them personally.

We'll update our Wonders and Wows webpages when nominations reopen.

See the first, second and third round of nominees.