Warwick Wows
Share the amazing work and achievements which make you proud to be part of the Warwick community.
This isn’t necessarily about size or scale – it’s about the positive difference our work has made, whether that benefits a few people enormously, or thousands in a smaller way.
It could be something headline-grabbing, which demonstrates our academic and innovative brilliance. But often the most impressive work goes on quietly with little fanfare, but is hugely important to our community.
So, if your team, or a team you know, deserve to be recognised for a recent piece of work, let us know.
When nominating, as well as telling us why you have chosen your nominee(s) you will also have the option of uploading a video or image to help to tell the story.
Winners will be chosen by Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor, who may occasionally make his own nominations when he sees exceptional work he wants to recognise. We'll announce the winners in our staff communications.
Make a nomination
Thanks for your interest - nominations have closed for now. We'll update these web pages when they re-open.