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Life Sciences seminar by Prof. Georgy Koentges

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“How does SarsCov2 travel through the human and mouse brain?”

Since March of last year I have been refocusing research efforts to try to uncover if and how SarsCov2 travels through the mammalian brain. This involved establishing a collaborative network of researchers across the globe, China, Russia, US, Switzerland which enabled our team to track and trace SarsCov2 across mouse and human brains and subject available material to state of the art neuroscience and neuroanatomical approaches. We discovered remarkable patterns of brain infection and have been studying the process of viral uptake and transfer across neuronal systems in mice and humans. This led to the finding of new spaces through which the virus travels which were unrecognized so far – spaces through the parenchyma of the brain and has opened the recognition of further vulnerabilities against which humanity is not currently protected: the virus can be taken up by neurons that are not positive for ACE2! These findings have implications for a host of psychiatric ailments and neurological phenomena observed in Covid patients. I will be presenting details of the procedures discovering them, from live viral infections to 3D/4D particle imaging using 12T MRI magnets to ensuing image analysis. I will report some of our finding so far. As lecture contents are unpublished no photos are allowed to be taken and the lecture cannot be recorded.


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