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Careers in the gaming industry

Showcasing grand designs for careers in the gaming industry

Students from the University of Warwick hoping to break into the gaming industry are being invited to a special event this week: ‘Working in the computer games industry’ taking place on February 5.

This event has been designed to provide an insightful overview of the games industry from a Coventry & Warwickshire perspective and enable participants to make more effective applications and career plans.
The event will take place from 1-4pm in the Department of Computer science and the Mathematics Institute. The afternoon will kick off with guest speakers from recruitment consultants Aardvark Swift, Creative Skillset and local gaming company Silicon Spa.

There is also an opportunity for students to network with recruiters and discuss individual career plans, find out more about different job roles and generally understand what it takes to be successful in games design. Aardvark will also be offering feedback on CVs, cover letters and portfolios.
Ray Ryan, Careers Consultant at the University of Warwick, said;

It’s a great opportunity for our students to gain valuable insight into a fascinating and growing industry. The local area has a strong reputation in game design, and we’re delighted to be able to draw on that experience and bring it to campus.”

For further details about the computer games industry event please contact Oliver Campton