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Security Away Day

Wednesday 2 July, Radcliffe House

An away day is being held, open to any member of academic staff with an interest in Security Studies, in order to develop a programme of work for the next academic year. This day follows the formation of the Warwick International Security Initiative (WISI), created to facilitate research in security on a cross-Faculty basis.

This away day is planned in two halves:

9.30am - 12.00pm: Social Studies and Arts Session

Introduction and Context: Professor Richard Higgot, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Chair: Professor Shirin Rai

12.00pm - 12.30pm

University Strategy: Professor Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor

12.30pm - 1.45pm


1.45pm - 4.00pm: Science and Medicine Session

Chair: tbc

Anyone wishing to attend this event must register online on the RSS website. Participants are invited to register for either the first session (up to and including lunch), or the second session (from 12pm onwards), or both sessions depending on where their interests lie.

Call for Research Themes

We are now calling for research themes within the area of Security for work in the next academic year. Themes must be nominated by more than one individual, but need not necessarily be multi-departmental or multidisciplinary, and each theme should have one nominated lead. Themes should suggest a programme of activities to be undertaken during the year, including events such as (but not limited to) internal workshops, invited external speakers and stakeholder seminars. There is no funding available to support research costs, the resources are to support internal networking and engagement with stakeholders etc. For the awayday, depending on the number submitted, themes will be introduced by its nominator(s) and discussed by the group for approximately 20mins with a view to developing that theme, and to recruiting new expertise to it.

Themes will be discussed at the awayday and a decision made on which themes to support next year. Discussion of themes will be grouped in to social science/arts and science/medicine to give focus to the discussion. Individuals may attend for the relevant half day, or the full day as they wish. Half an hour will be allocated at the end of both the morning and afternoon sessions for discussion of possible future activities.

If you would like to submit a theme, please send no more than two sides of A4 by Wednesday 25 June outlining the academic summary of the theme, those academics involved and the proposed activities with costs over the next year to Nikki Muckle in RSS on ext. 73930.

For any more information, please contact Mike Hart in RSS on or ext. 24760