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Warwick Network Sessions Feedback

Acapella Singing for Beginners

Presence and Presentation

Applications of CMR Technology

Pulse: Staff Survey 2008

Central Campus Landscape

The Student Experience at Warwick

Coaching and Mentoring Scheme

Style Secrets


The Teaching Grid and Research Exchange

The University's Energy Challenge

Warwick Advantage

Institute of Advanced Study

Warwick Match

Intelligent Use of Email

The Warwick Prize for Writing

Points Based Immigration

Widening Participation


Acapella Singing for Beginners

Session Leader
Bruce Knight, Vocal Coach

Session Objectives
To introduce people to the joys of harmony singing, and have a good sing!

Were the session objectives met?
Yes. Both groups (17 people session one, 9 people session two) consisted of mostly beginners and one or two regular singers, and both groups seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Group one were especially pleased with their 4-part harmony version of Barbara-Ann!

Applications of CRM Technology

Session Leader: Darren Wallis, Director of Student Admissions and Recruitment

Session Objectives:

  1. To provide an overview of the Azorus Customer Relationship Management package
  2. To discuss the use of the package by departments in their recruitment and communication strategies
  3. To consider wider applications of CRM to support University functions

Were the session objectives met?

Objectives 1 and 2 were most clearly met but there were some useful thoughts also on objective 3.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

An identified need to consider further joined-up CRM across different aspects of the University’s business.

Central Campus Landscape

Session Leader
Roger Boxall, Grounds Superintendent, Estates Office,/p>

Session Objectives

  1. To describe the concepts behind some of the contemporary landscape designs, eg planting strategy for surrounds to roundabouts and approaches to the University
  2. To view some new landscape schemes and provide an explanation of the planting details and cultivation and establishment techniques used, eg Oval Plazza
  3. To look at an example of a landscape scheme associated with a building which has been accredited BREEAM 'excellent' eg the Digital Lab. To inform attendees about the overall approach used to maintain and develop the University campus landscape

Were the session objectives met?

They were although each topic had to be dealt with superficially because of time constraints.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

Attendees expressed an interest in seeing other parts of the University estate,eg rural areas and conservation work.

Warwick Coaching and Mentoring Scheme

Session Leader:
Bob Thomson, Learning and Development Adviser, Learning and Development Centre

Session Objectives:

To offer a framework for structuring a coaching or mentoring conversation. To publicise the Warwick Coaching and Mentoring Scheme.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

Include details of the Warwick Coaching and Mentoring Scheme in the literature given to new members of staff.


Session Leader:
Richard Worsley, University Counselling Service

Session Objectives:

  1. To convey information re the nature of stress
  2. To derive tactics for stress management
  3. To teach a relaxation technique

Ideas Generated and Future Work

I was surprised that the participants seemed to enjoy what was a very much shortened form of an undergraduate workshop experience. This was most encouraging.

The University's Energy Challenge

Session Leader:
Nick Hillard, Environment Manager, Estates and Andrew Higgins, Operations Director, Warwick HRI

Session Objectives:

To outline the economic and environmental challenges that we all face with respect to energy management across the University. The session attempted to take participants on a journey from their own domestic energy situation through to the University’s energy management. Participants had a mix of knowledge with respect to both home-related and university-related energy use.

Were the session objectives met?

Pressed for time, given a 10 minutes delay at the start and the requirement to allow participants to depart to other events. In essence, the session was only 40 minutes in duration, meaning that the second brainstorming session was removed. However, the session was interactive, with individuals detailing their own thoughts and experiences. Good practice measures implemented over the last 12 months at HRI were welcomed. Take home message was that in order to manage the risks associated with rising energy costs, there needs to be a combination of central energy conservation projects and individual responsibility. Everyone therefore has their role to play in switching things off and identifying energy saving measures.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

The message is that there is still plenty of work to be done. The following were considered to represent the areas of priority with respect to energy management (1 being the highest priority):

  1. There should be significantly greater accountability for energy consumption (and associated costs) across the University
  2. The University should set (and impose) minimum energy standards in terms of the equipment that can be purchased on its behalf
  3. The University should pay the premium to purchase its grid electricity from renewable ('green') sources
  4. I would be willing to accept some short-term inconvience or discomfort in the name of energy conservation
  5. The University should buy the cheapest energy available on the market

Warwick Institute of Advanced Study – an update

Session Leader:
11am session: Margot Finn (IAS – Director)
1pm session: Alison Bell (IAS – Administrator)

Session Objectives:

  1. to give an overview of Warwick IAS – its goals and facilities – and the highlights from programmes run in 07-08
  2. to provide information about the 08-09 awards and fellowships – showing the distinctiveness of the range of programmes

Were the session objectives met?

These objectives were successfully achieved through the sessions. Participants received information about IAS, its goals, programmes and facilities.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

There was the opportunity to ask questions about IAS and participants were interested in, for example, how their own departments could benefit from IAS schemes; how the outputs of IAS could be measured (with the offer of help regarding key performance data from the planning office); how the IAS and the plans for a research hotel fit together (the research hotel will include bookable lab space for multidisciplinary work, as well as residential accommodation – IAS does not currently offer lab space); and how the IAS and the plans for the international quarter fit together (if the International Quarter will be research and postgraduate oriented, then IAS would be willing to play a part – but not if it is undergraduate level. IAS could also play a part in negotiations, for example by hosting visitors from the proposed international institutions).

Intelligent Use of Email

Session Leader:
Sharon Neal, Learning and Development Manager, Learning and Development Centre and Julian Chronicle, Customer Service Manager, IT Services

Session Objectives:

To look at the generally regarded ‘Best Practices’ for using email and to help you make the most effective use of your email.

Were the session objectives met?

We were able to share and discuss the essentials of good practice, answer some technical email use questions and share other people’s experience. At the start of the session we asked attendees to list on a flip-chart concerns they had about the use of email. We were able to address practically all of these during the session.

Ideas Generated and Future Work

  1. Need to build the good practice guidelines into Induction provision for new staff, which LDC will do
  2. Use of common email signature across University
  3. Need for clearer induction process to include guidelines on using email
  4. Best Practice guidelines to be available on-line

    Points-based immigration system: what it means for Warwick

    Session Leader:
    Laura du Plessis, Senior International Student Adviser, International Office
    Katie Watts, Resourcing Manager, Human Resources

    Session Objectives:

    1. To develop an understanding of the new system and ongoing developments
    2. To develop an understanding of the potential impact of the system on academic and administrative departments
    3. To develop an understanding of what steps are being taken to prepare
    4. To spend some time considering how these changes will affect the student and staff experience at Warwick and their relationships with the University
    5. To give staff the opportunity to contribute towards the fine tuning of Warwick systems and procedures in preparation for the new system

    Were the session objectives met?

    Yes, although the length of the session did not allow us sufficient time for discussion to enable bullet point 5 to be fully enabled.

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    Need for more engagement with academic departments and consideration of how best to deliver training on new system in the future.

    Presence and Presentation

    Session Leader:
    Jonathan Heron, Research Associate, CAPITAL Centre

    Session Objectives:

    1. To use the concept of non-verbal communication
    2. To explore the function of status within human interactions
    3. To use physicality and voice to be more fully present
    4. To develop presentation skills

    Were the session objectives met?

    The session was run for two groups (11am – fully attended and 1pm – not so well attended)

    Both successful in meeting objectives, though limitations of time prevented us from completed full plan


    1. All participants used this concept by ‘making’ and ‘reading’ still images and body language
    2. All participants explore status through a series of physical tasks and feedback session
    3. All participants therefore used physicalty (and begaon to consider voice) to be more fully present
    4. The importance of non verbal communication, use of space and clarity of speech were reflected upon by all participants to begin developing presentation skills

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    Some useful contacts made with staff from around the University who are now familiar with the CAPITAL’s work

    Pulse:Staff Survey 2008

    Session Leader:
    Lora Morris, HR Adviser, Human Resources

    Session Objectives:

    To outline the key results of the Pulse: Staff Survey 2008, actions that the University has taken since receiving the results, and the plans for the next staff survey to take place in January 2009.

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    The group had the opportunity to share information and ideas on actions taken locally at departmental level; this generated lively discussion and people said they would take ideas back to their departments.

    The Warwick Student Experience

    Session Leader:
    Kate Hughes, Director of Student Services and Stuart Thomson, Students’ Union President

    Session Objectives:

    To raise awareness of the range of integrated student support services available and the nature of the student experience at Warwick; To explore how we can respond effectively to changes in the student community, their expectations and aspirations, learning and development opportunities and campus facilities.

    Were the session objectives met?

    Yes. The presentation delivered a significant amount of information on student support services and generated useful discussion in break-out groups responding to the questions:

    • What will continue to make the Warwick experience distinctive?
    • What will our students and stakeholder need, want and expect in the future?
    • How can we make the most of the resources and facilities we have in challenging economic times?

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    To pick up with Richard Lambert on the skills and employability agenda with the CBI, employer organisations and Government, possible holding some kind of national forum at Warwick. To develop ideas from the session feedback for inclusion in the student services strategic plan and potential future Strategy Bites and/or Window-on-Warwick sessions, etc.

    Style Secrets

    Session Leader:
    Helen Jinks, Image Consultant, HJ Image

    Session Objectives:

    • Introduce the benefits of colour & style
    • Participants discover their own style profile
    • Demonstrate the importance of positive visual impact

    Were the session objectives met?

    Yes. All participants worked with each other to discover the foundations to their own personal style profile through a series of interactive exercises.Demonstrations on the session leader highlighted simple tips for participants to take away with them.

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    • A continuation and possible development of HJ Image workshops based on todays and previous workshops topics
    • Small group consultations for personal development based on specific situations e.g. interviews, public facing situations etc
    • Style Party based events for students to introduce them to the importance of positive visual impact

    Teaching Grid and Research Exchange

    Session Leader:
    Robin Green, Deputy Librarian; Emma King, Teaching Grid and Learning Grid Manager

    Session Objectives:

    To enable participants to understand:

    • the philosophy underpinning the development of the Teaching Grid and the Research Exchange
    • how the Teaching Grid supports the development of first class teaching and learning experiences at Warwick through innovative use of space and technology
    • how the Research Exchange is facilitating collaboration and creativity in a community of researchers

    Were the session objectives met?

    Judging by the questions, comments and suggestions, yes

    Ideas Generated and Future Work

    Library to generate seminars for researchers
    Contact the Student Union Postgraduate Society
    Staff considering use of Teaching Grid for training sessions with colleagues.

    Warwick Advantage

    Session Leader:
    Sean Russell Head of Student Development, Anne Wilson Warwick Advantage Co-ordinator, Lucy Reynolds, Societies Officer SU, Steve Ranford, Student Development

    Session Objectives:

      To explain what Warwick Advantage is:

      • How we worked in collaboration with the Students’ Union and other partners and how we planned marketing and publicity
      • To demonstrate the new website and what we are doing at Warwick to maximise graduate employability
      • To show how we hope to encourage more students to choose Warwick
      • To outline the new Warwick Advantage Award
      • Reflection Pods- enhancing the student experience -an explanation and demonstration

      Ideas Generated and Future Work

      • To attend a Team meeting for Student Finance (booked for January)
      • To develop promotional materials and resources for prospective students (meeting being arranged)
      • Encourage personal tutors to encourage students to go for the Warwick Advantage Award (e mail to Senior Tutors planned for later this month)
      • Work on making the Opportunities section of the website more visually appealing and try and make other pages less text-heavy

      Warwick Match

      Session Leader:
      Mary McGrath, Director of Major Gifts and Faye Jennings, Deputy Director of Annual Giving Development & Alumni Relations Office

      Session Objectives:

      • To give an overview of the work of the Development & Alumni Relations Office
      • To provide an understanding of the Government Matched Funding scheme and how it can benefit Warwick
      • To help staff understand how they can be involved in maximising this opportunity

      Were the session objectives met?

      Yes. Materials provided with additional information about Warwick Match including HEFCE guidelines.

      Ideas Generated and Future Work

      Ongoing work to publicise the work of DARO and the opportunity of Warwick Match amongst the University community.

      Warwick Prize for Writing

      Session Leader:
      Robert Freedman (Biological Sciences); Helen May (Communications)

      Session Objectives:

      1. Raise awareness.
      2. Place in context of Vision 2015.
      3. Consider relevance to University’s international visibility and reputation.
      4. Explore how to maximize impact and benefit to University.

      Were the session objectives met?

      Small group (4) but interested and enthusiastic about the initiative. Objectives achieved for this group, but limited wider impact

      Ideas Generated and Future Work

      Initiate a Staff Book club or Reading Group. Use award of prize as focus for Alumni event; London prize-night event with live relay from Warwick? Post-prize London alumni event with prize-winner? Contribution to summer 2009 Alumni weekend?

      Widening Participation at Warwick

      Session Leader:
      Darren Wallis, Director of Student Admissions and Recruitment

      Session Objectives:

      To examine the rationale behind engaging in Widening Participation at a research-intensive university and to consider where and how WP has an impact on the work of the University.

      Were the session objectives met?

      The presentation covered the first objective. The session was then widened out into a fully participatory ideas session, so it went beyond the second part of the objective.

      Ideas Generated and Future Work

      Over 60 ideas were generated which have been themed and redistributed to participants for further comment.