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In your words...

Excellent networking opportunities and a chance to share ideas."1

A great day - please keep doing them for non-academic staff. Our academic colleagues are superb and whilst we would be nowhere without them, I really enjoy having a day where we can focus on non-academic business and development."

Clearly a day can only cover so many areas but left questioning role of CLL/community engagement. Great day, networking sessions excellent."

Thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the whole day."

I think these events are so well organised and are very good in making us all feel "together" working for the same University. Many thanks for organising it, has been very good! A big thank you!"

Guest speaker Nita Clarke

I was inspired and motivated by Nita Clarke. What a wonderful guest speaker. Funny, straight talking, interesting, yet she got over a really effective message that is relevant to my current area of work."

Nita's plenary presentation was the highlight of the day for me. Her ideas are simple but powerful and are things we should be bringing into Warwick and how it engages with its staff."

Morning breakout sessions...

Good way of meeting new people and learning something new about the University." (Raising our game: Warwick’s place in influencing policy)

inyourwords5Very helpful to broaden my understanding of the impact agenda and network with colleagues." (Warwick’s impact: Making a Difference)

Extremely informative, generated loads of thoughts and ideas. (We're all global now)

This was a fascinating session with real young entrepreneurs bidding for money. There was minimal chance though for interaction from the group audience however, as the time was very limited. Maybe next time you could rig up voting buttons for the audience to see if they agree with the Panel." (Warwick's role as a Business)

Afternoon breakout sessions...

I found the session particularly useful. The facilitator worked effectively to engage everyone, balancing (as agreed as a group) time for self-reflection with small and larger group discussion." (Career clinic)

It's an interesting subject - it would have been good to have a group discussion feedback at the end." (MOOCs@Warwick)

Helpful, insightful and practical both personally and in context of work responsibilities/ issues." (Introduction to Coaching)

Fab session! Great to see the new technology used like the Su-V, and smoke machine. How amazing to have a fine dining restaurant to that standard in our University! Chefs were great, showing skill and humour!" (Foodies@Warwick)


Food was excellent and made me feel very valued. Food stations should have been spaced out more to avoid single queue failing."

The catering (and service) was considerably improved on previous years to a very high level indeed!

The lunch was a little chaotic...The selections brought round on trays were good, so a straight forward buffet may have been better.

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And some ideas for future events...

Would be a good idea to have a board for people to make resource requests and offers - sort of like a swap shop. It would bring more to the networking part of the day."

Could you run more parallel sessions of the popular choices, for instance more than 15 people?"

Like to see something about engagement with different stakeholders - students, employers, local community, etc."

More regular network events, perhaps on a smaller scale - maybe faculty level."

Maybe some ways of spreading people out, rather then all the groups staying together...

More physical exercise breakout sessions (yoga, pilates etc) and in the mornings, not after lunch (exercise after eating is not recommended!). A greater variety of session types and a mix of session types in the morning and afternoon, instead of one type for the morning and another for the afternoon.