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The Sessions

A range of morning and afternoon breakout sessions ran at the 2013 Warwick Network. Read on to find out more about how the session leaders found their sessions, plus powerpoints and post-it notes to give you a flavour of each session...

Celebrate: Warwick's 50th Anniversary (11am)

Session leaders: Ann Caesar, Nicola Hunt and Natalie James
What were the objectives of your session?
To disseminate information about the 50th anniversary and planned celebrations and to encourage engagement from attendees through discussions and idea generation.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes – key information was provided to delegates and many interesting discussions yielded ideas for events/activities for the Festival of Imagination and other activities in 2015.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Many ideas were suggested which will be considered and taken forward where possible.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
All departments who were represented at the session can be involved with the 50th anniversary in some way, and contact details were shared to enable this.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Meetings in the next few weeks will address the comments and ideas raised at the session, and where ideas can be taken forward they will play a part in the activity planned for 2015.

50th anniversary wordle (Image file)

Warwick's future size and shape (11am)

Session leaders: Jo Horsburgh, Stuart Croft and Andrew Smith
What were the objectives of your session?
To outline some of the strategic considerations regarding the University's choices on strategic direction and to engage everyone in the debate and take notes.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes, it took longer for us to get the context than anticipated and engagement, whilst positive, reflected that many colleagues hadn't necessarily had the opportunity to be exposed to some of these considerations before.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Feedback on the session has been positive.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
Next step would be to inform the wider community on the development of the strategy, which would be cross institution.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
This will be picked up in the strategy refresh roll out.

Any other comments?
Very useful session, need to think how to replicate more opportunities on a similar basis.

Warwick’s Role as a Business (11am)

Session leaders: Bob Hogg and Tom Britten, Business Development Directors
What were the objectives of your session?
The session was designed to briefly explore the following questions but primarily using a Dragons’ Den exercise the session would demonstrate the project and programme qualification process (PPQP) i.e. how Warwick decides which opportunities to pursue and which to avoid, and identify possible new business opportunities.

  • Why does Warwick engage with business?
  • How do we do it?
  • Who are some of our key partners?
  • What else could we be doing?

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes, delegates observed four business ideas being pitched and scrutinised by a panel of ‘dragons’, providing a dynamic demonstration of the PPQP. Delegates were also provided with hand-outs covering the four supplementary questions.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Two of the four business ideas, ‘Fuzzy Duck Fancy Dress’ and ‘Warwick on Wheels’ were supported by the ‘dragons’ and will receive start-up funding from the University for their business ideas. As a result, a bicycle hire scheme will be launched on campus in the new academic year, Costcutter will shortly stock a range of fancy dress items, and a further proposal for seasonal pop-up retail units is being developed.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
Following the success of the session, a series of ‘Dragons’ Den’ style events are being planned to run throughout 2014. These will alternate between a focus on new business ideas (led by CCSG) and opportunities for service improvements, innovation, collaboration and creativity across the University (led by the Registrar’s Office).

Warwick as a Business(Word Document)

Our Campus, are we really fit for the future? (11am)

Session leaders: Bob Wilson, Jonathan Bailey and Kevin Hamer
What were the objectives of your session?
This interactive session focused on whether our existing campus and our future plans for the campus would provide an experience and environment to be expected of a World-Class Institution. Participants took part in a ‘World Café’ experience to share their ideas on the current campus experience and how we might develop the campus to make it fit for the future.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes - four questions were posed in the World café experience and participants were asked to comment on each. The four questions were:

1.Define the Warwick ‘experience’ in terms of its campus
2.Given a ‘blue-sky’ what would you expect a world class campus to look like?
3. What is the draw of the University of Warwick existing in Coventry?
4. In terms of the campus, what are the gaps between what Warwick wants to be on the International stage and where it is now.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
A huge about of imput was received:
Our campus post it note 1  (Image file)
Our campus post it note 2  (Image file)
Our campus post it note 3  (Image file)
Our campus post it note 4  (Image file)

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Through the Senior Officers group and to be considered as part of a revision of the Master Plan

Any other comments?
There was a great amount of energy around the room – all were keen to engage.

League Tables: Where are we, why does it matter? (11am)

Session leader: Rosie Drinkwater and Professor Lawrence Young

National League Table Methodologies(Word Document)
Network Day 2013 League Tables(Powerpoint Presentation)

Raising our game: Warwick’s place in influencing policy (11am)

Session leader: Ian Rowley
What were the objectives of your session?
To engage participants with the difficulty of and possibilities in Warwick influencing policy.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
A bit – people got a flavour of things, but (it was) tricky to get the whole scenario planning game into the time.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
1.Working across SU/ Silos on major policy issues
2.Senior uni leadership should communicate more with staff and students as they wrestle with tough decisions (VC at Sheffield does this well).

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
SU/ Economics

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Numerous initiatives/events/ open comms

Warwick’s Impact (11am)

Session leader: Robin Green
What were the objectives of your session?
Increase understanding of impact and public engagement and the ways in which Warwick research and student activity achieves impact.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session
Yes: session seemed to go well, participants had an overview of the subject then heard case studies from academic staff and a student volunteer. In addition they were presented research scenarios and asked to devise their own strategies to create impact.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
The flipcharts generated interesting suggestions – these were captured and are being transferred by RSS Impact Officers.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Suitable suggestions will be disseminated by RSS.

Any other comments?
The scale of activity around creating engagement and public impact suggests that there could be considerable benefit from dedicated impact teams at institutional level acting both as consultants to individual researchers and as expert impact generators. Possibly at a Communications/Marketing base but maybe more at Faculty level.

Behind the scenes at Warwick Arts Centre (2pm)

Session leader: Howards Potts
What were the objectives of your session?
To show some parts of the Arts Centre that are not normally on view and to explain what is involved in the operation of a performing arts venue.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes - we visited the Cinema projection room, the scenery workshop and the Theatre stage. There was the opportunity for delegates to
ask questions relating to the spaces and the activities in the Arts Centre.

Any other comments?
It would always be nice to have a little more time and with a slightly smaller group there is the opportunity to go to other places with less access (Arts Centre programme permitting).

Strictly Circle Dancing....(2pm)

Session leader: Bruce Knight
What were the objectives of your session?
To introduce the group to the many delights of traditional circle dances from around the world.To generate a sense of community within the session.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes – the 20-strong group bonded brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed the range of dances

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Would gladly offer this workshop next year.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
I'm a freelance leader of singing workshops and circle dance workshops based in Leamington Spa, with 13 years of experience working with all manner of groups. Contact: bruce at naturalvoice dot net

Any other comments?
It was fun – looking forward to next time.

Change, the only constant there is.... (2pm)

Session leader: Kevin Hamer
What were the objectives of your session?

This interactive session focused on: what ‘change’ means, the drivers of change, how change can make us feel and how we can become more resilient to it. It looked at the reasons that change is such a challenge and at a model and the considerations to be borne in mind when Leading or Managing the transition from ‘As is to to be’. The session provided a brief overview of the University’s change framework and signposted where people can access support if they are embarking on change at work.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
There was a good balance of input, interaction and participation throughout. Individuals were signposted to various resources which could be used to provide personal support. The University’s agreed change framework was shared and people informed about where and how they could access support around change projects.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Change projects to be supported where business and departmental needs identified.

Any other comments?
Real engaged group.

Foodies @ Warwick (2pm)

Session leaders: Graham Crump and Julie Taylor
What were the objectives of your session?
It was to be a light hearted insight into food and beer matching, simple food garnishes which people could do at home and then an insight into three menu items from Restaurant 91 at Scarman.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes - all delegates thoroughly enjoyed the session – the involvement of food and drink always seems to make a difference! We achieved all of the sections that we had set out to complete and there was an opportunity at the end for questions and general discussion.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Several delegates did suggest that they would pay to come to similar sessions if we ran them during the year. Not sure that this is a plan for now – but we need to start thinking about what we will do for next year’s Network Day!

Any other comments?
We feel the session went extremely well and there is a real opportunity to build on this for next year.

Work Life Balance(2pm)

Session leaders: Elaine Turriff
What were the objectives of your session?
By the end of this session participants would have:

  • Defined work life balance for yourself
  • Identified your current work life balance
  • Identified what actions you could take to move closer to/achieve your desired work life balance
  • Have greater clarity about the support available to achieve your desired work life balance
Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
We revisited the objectives at the end of the session and clarified that the objectives had been achieved asking for specific examples that demonstrated the learning.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
No specific actions for this material, however individuals shared ideas that they were going to implement in order to achieve their own work life balance.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
The learning covered individual actions as opposed to departmental activity.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Personally I have taken away certain elements of the training which acted as a timely refresher for myself.

Any other comments?
Great mix of delegates which provided networking opportunities as well as the specific learning objective. General feedback was very positive with action plans completed.

Professional Networks: from the bottom up(2pm)

Session leaders: Martin Price and Laura Downey
What were the objectives of your session?
  • To discuss our experiences of setting up the European Projects in Progress network
  • To explore how this experience might be applicable to other groups of staff
  • To try to encourage the development of such networks in other areas
Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
To an extent. We have had discussions to support a colleague in Commercial Services to establish a network.

Any other comments?
It was quite disappointing that less than half of the people registered for the session actually turned up. Having planned for larger numbers, a lot of what we wanted to do wouldn’t have worked with smaller numbers. Had we known the actual number we could have planned differently, rather than having to improvise.

Mindful Moments in the Modern World (2pm)

Session leader: Dean Howes
What were the objectives of your session?

  • To introduce some of the fundamental psychological findings, assumptions and processes involved in the experience of Mindfulness Meditation
  • To take part in a Mindfulness Meditation experience
  • To consider applications of and suitable moments for Mindfulness Meditation in the modern world

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes all objectives were achieved. We covered some models of mindfulness, spent about 20-25 minutes experiencing mindfulness meditation and ended with a discussion about how we can fit mindfulness meditation into our busy lives.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Attendees were keen on having extension activities that were small group and practical in nature. Also, there was some interest in one-to-one sessions.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
Yes all. If Mindfulness was to be offered in some way to staff and students it would have to be run from a central location/department though and I’m not sure what or where that would be.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
It is beyond my current role as a CLL tutor to do so. I am very open to expanding my role though if it is required.

Any other comments?
A well organised and resourced session – thank you.

MOOCs @ Warwick

Session leaders: Ken Punter, Nick Chater, Jess Whittlestone and Ray Irving

MOOCs presentation(Powerpoint Presentation)

Strengths- Know them and 'Flow' them (2pm)

Session leaders: Anne Wilson and Lara Cartwright
What were the objectives of your session?
Identify your strengths in order to:

  • Make better use of the strengths you have and which you are good at in order enjoy what you do more
  • Find out what your hidden strengths are and explore how to bring these into your work
  • Use your understanding of your strengths to enhance your motivation and leverage your contribution at work
  • Notice if your strengths go unrecognised? Perhaps they are not appreciated in your current job and would be better suited to a different role?

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
I think so - participants were able to reflect on suggested strengths questions so hopefully they were able to explore those that were most relevanther

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
We could offer a session on how to harness your Strengths in applications and interviews although this presupposes participants would know these before the session. (Profile cost per person is c£15.00 so we would need a budget to enable these to be provided).

We could offer something to Managers on harnessing your Leadership strengths

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
Maybe co-delivery LDC on offering something to Managers on harnessing Leadership strengths. I have delivered a session for new managers using strengths which worked well.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
We use Strengths in workshops with students during the year.

Suggested Strength Questions(Word Document)
Powerpoint(Powerpoint Presentation)

Conference with Confidence(2pm)

Session leader: Emma Birkett and Craig Emmerson
What were the objectives of your session?
Engage with internal conference and event bookers. Give them an update on our offer and share the recent customer satisfaction research. Provide event managers toolkit.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
The session seemed to be well received and all were very engaging.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Delegates feedback on our current offer was noted and used for future service and product development.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
Warwick Food and Drink – ideas not yet discussed.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
We are in the process of generating a new strategy and product development for the internal market therefore this will instigate future activity.

Any other comments?
The event was extremely well organised – Thanks. Unfortunately I was poorly that day but able to watch the plenary session online was fantastic.

Style Tweaks (2pm)

Session leader: Helen Walters
What were the objectives of your session?

  • Demonstrate how a flexible capsule wardrobe works
  • Offer the opportunity to try different accessories and make up with guidance on trying something new
  • Give confidence to try new styles and ideas
  • Have fun with fashion

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Three activities were set up to invite attendees to try new makeup products and colours, learn how to accessorise outfits and using a capsule wardrobe. The opportunity to try out new ideas in a safe and fun environment led to attendees working together and gaining confidence in their own existing choices and also discovering newoptions for themselves and each other.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
Attendees were keen to learn more and were interested in my series of lunchtime talks called Midday Makeovers which are designed to cover specific topics in people’s lunch hours. There would be no cost to the University just the requirement of a room to use. If anyone can help me set up a trial session I would be most interested and appreciative.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
I have worked with a couple of departments as part of staff development already discussing topics such as staff dress codes and how to achieve a smart casual working wardrobe. HR and also student employability have a natural link with regards to personal presentation, interviews and having the right image for career development.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
Getting Midday Makeovers established for staff.

Any other comments?
I have been a part of the Networking Day for a few years now and each year the attendees are more enthusiastic and the organisation is excellent! Having had a career in events management I fully appreciate the hard work that goes into such events and it has been seamless from all my experiences! I would also like to congratulate the University on continuing to hold this event. Many organisations I have previously worked with have ceased to continue with such events and can be so important to the staff to be given an opportunity to meet other colleagues whom they would otherwise not engage with and feel that the university values there contributions.

Voices of the University (2pm)

Session leader: Dr Richard Wallace
What were the objectives of your session?

  • To encourage staff members to think about their relationship with the university by remembering and discussing their past and present associations, and by sharing their memories with one another.
  • To encourage staff members to engage with and shape the future of the project by making suggestions about how they would like the audio material to be presented.
  • To get suggestions about how we could engage with the campus population further.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?
Yes - The group appeared to greatly enjoy sharing their memories of their time at the University. Particularly useful in this respect was the mixture of ages within the sub-groups, with younger members able to explore the history of the university through the recollections of the longer-serving members. A number of people signed up to be interviewed for the project immediately afterwards.

The group discussion that closed the session also provided a number of potentially fruitful avenues to further the project that hadn’t been considered so far including the use of site-specific posters, the development of an interactive campus map and the further inclusion of visual material in the presentation of audio material.

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
As suggested above a number of new ideas were developed by the group that could take the project forward in useful and interesting ways. Funding permitting, the development of certain types of publicity and engagement activities could be usefully pursued.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
A key aspect of this project is its cross-departmental approach, so in a sense all departments could be useful collaborators.

How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
We are currently developing a number of projects relating to the oral history project that could usefully include a number of suggestions made by group members. Particularly important here is the way the audio data could be presented, with ideas ranging from the chronological presentations of a number of narratives, to keyword searches and site-specific modes of presentation. The importance of visual material was also highlighted and will continue to be a key consideration in the way the project is presented in the future.

Introduction to Coaching (2pm)

Session leader: Dr Ioanna Iordanou
What were the objectives of your session?

  • A brief introduction to the principles of coaching as a learning and development tool;,

  • Explore the difference between directive and non-directive coaching;

  • Opportunity to experience and reflect on the coaching process;

  • A chance to consider the benefits that coaching can have for individual performance and effective working relationships.

Were these objectives successfully achieved through the session?

  • A brief introduction was offered through a short and concise 15 minute powerpoint presentation.

  • Participants explored the difference between directive and non-directive coaching through a 15 minute interactive group exercise whereby the had to place ten coaching attribute cards in the right order.

  • Participants participated in a 20 minute silent coaching sessions where they coached themselves.

  • Participants had the opportunity to reflect on their new-found learning in relation to their work-relationships and set priorities (as they were set in the beginning of the session).

Ideas generated for future action and activity?
  • Participants were invited to consider the usefulness of Coaching in their working environment;

  • Participants were introduced to the Warwick Coaching and Mentoring Scheme;

  • Participants were offered information about the CLL Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring and Diploma in Coaching;

  • Participants wanted more information on how to incorporate Coaching in their training and I offered to give more information.

Are there any other departments you could collaborate with on specific ideas/actions?
  • The Centre for Lifelong Learning as they run the Coaching Training
  • Warwick Business School (Executive Education) who are working on a MOOC Coaching programme
How do you envisage implementing actions/activities over the course of the year?
  • Will work closely with the CLL and WBS;
  • Will offer support and guidance to interested participants.
Any other comments?
I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. I will be more than happy to participate in other similar events. Thank you.