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Christopher Prentice, the British Ambassador to Italy, with History Students in Venice

British Ambassador

On 6th October 2014 Christopher Prentice, the British Ambassador to Italy, spoke to an audience at the University of Warwick in Venice, including the third-year single honours History students engaged in studying 'Florence and Venice in the Renaissance'. His topic was 'Better Together or Better Apart?'

Tue 07 Oct 2014, 20:45 | Tags: Lecture, Undergraduate

Professor David Anderson delivers public lecture at the UK Supreme Court

On 31 July 2014 Professor David Anderson gave a public lecture at the UK Supreme Court, in London's Parliament Square. The lecture, entitled "Empire, Lawyers, and the Rule of Law", examined the role of lawyers and legal appeals in the Mau Mau Emergency in Kenya during the 1950s, using legal records, including Privy Council appeals. The lecture was at the invitation of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, to inaugurate a summer exhibit at the Supreme Court on the history of the Privy Council. The exhibition is linked to a project that has digitised the records of the Privy Council and made them available on line.

Details of the Privy Council paper can be found at The exhibit is open to the public at the Supreme Court until 24 September 2014.

The Supreme Court Privy Council Papers Online


Mon 04 Aug 2014, 17:07 | Tags: Lecture

Videocast: Cold War Counter-Insurgencies and White Supremacy in Africa, 1961-1989

Professor David Anderson presents his latest reseach on the Cold War in Africa at a guest lecture at Aberystwyth University on 12th March 2014, entitled "Cold War Counter-Insurgencies and White Supremacy in Africa, 1961-1989". A videocast of the lecture is now available on the Aberystwyth University website.

David Anderson at Aberystwyth University

Fri 21 Mar 2014, 15:52 | Tags: Lecture

Aesthetics of Photography Lecture by Patrick Maynard - 3rd Feb 2009

Patrick Maynard (Emeritus Professor, University of Western Ontario) will visit the University of Warwick to present a lecture for the undergraduate Module 'Aesthetics and Photography' (PH249). He will discuss his theory of photography, published in The Engine of Visualisation: Thinking Through Photography.

If you wish to attend this lecture, you must register in advance with Dr Dawn Phillips:

Workshop with Kendall Walton - 16th June 2008

Kendall Walton will visit the Warwick Philosophy Department on Monday 16th June to participate in a one-day workshop.

Diarmuid Costello, Eileen John and Dawn Phillips will be among the speakers who will present responses to various aspects of Walton's work, including fiction and the imagination, poetry and photography.

Venue: SO.17 (Social Studies Building, University of Warwick)

Time: 11.00-18.00

Wed 21 May 2008, 14:53 | Tags: Aesthetics after Photography Research Workshop Lecture

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