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Departmental news

Official Launch of the New Research Centre for Post-Kantian European Philosophy

The launch of the new Research Centre for Post-Kantian European Philosophy took place on Tuesday 15 October 2019, with an inaugural seminar led by Guest Speaker, Simon Critchley (Hans Jonas Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research) on the concept of Tragedy.

In his talk, deriving from his new publication, Tragedy, the Greeks and Us, Professor Critchley explored the nature and experience of Tragedy, both in terms of what it meant to the Greeks, and what it might mean for us today. The seminar concluded with his reply to two responses to the book by Andrew Cooper (Philosophy, Warwick) and David Fearn (Classics, Warwick).

A recording of Simon Critchley in conversation with Keith Ansell-Pearson, Director, and Daniele Lorenzini, Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy, can be accessed on the Research Centre's new pages here:

Wed 16 Oct 2019, 16:30 | Tags: Home Page, Postgraduate

Launch of New Research Centre

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the establishment of a new research centre, the Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy. The new Centre aims to provide a unique forum for discussion and research in 19th and 20th century European philosophy, including interdisciplinary research with scholars across the humanities and social sciences.It will organise regular seminars, workshops and conferences to promote scholarly and innovative work in the field of post-Kantian European philosophy and provide a stimulating research environment for MA and PhD students and for Faculty.

Mon 30 Sep 2019, 14:51 | Tags: socialsciences, Home Page, Postgraduate, Research, PKEP

Teaching Excellence Awards for Philosophy Department

Dr David Woods, Teaching Fellow in the Philosophy Department, has received a commendation in the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence 2019 (WATE).

Chris Noonan, a postgraduate student in the Department, is a winner in the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates Who Teach category (WATE PGR).

Many congratulations to both David and Chris from all our students and colleagues for their well-deserved accolades, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to teaching in the Philosophy Department over the past year.

Wed 26 Jun 2019, 13:13 | Tags: socialsciences, Home Page, Postgraduate

Annual Birmingham-Nottingham-Warwick (BNW) Graduate Conference: Thursday 14 June 2018 at The University of Nottingham

The second annual BNW Graduate Conference 2018 taking place on Thursday 14 June 2018 will provide an opportunity for students from each University to present their current work, and to receive informed feedback from a dedicated respondent who works in another Department but in a similar discipline. This conference will allow participants - those giving presentations - respondents and audience members - the opportunity to engage and benefit from research-focused discussions, and will help develop the foundations for innovative excellence in research and collaboration. The proceedings will include a keynote speech, delivered by a member of staff from Nottingham's Philosophy Department, which will highlight current research interests at the University.

Organisers from Warwick University are Simon Wimmer, Giulia Luvisotto, Chenwei Nie and Leonello Gambi.

Wed 16 May 2018, 10:05 | Tags: Home Page Conference Postgraduate

'Epistemic Insouciance': Blog by Professor Quassim Cassam Features on American Philosophical Association Website

Read here Professor Cassam's engaging new blog on the 'Epistemic Insouciance' of today's political leaders, which is a highly topical and observant commentary based on a paper to be published shortly in The Journal of Philosophical Research.

See also Professor Cassam's TED Talk on the same subject:

TEDx talk:

Mon 26 Mar 2018, 15:30 | Tags: socialsciences Home Page Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Professor Quassim Cassam Appointed to the Prestigious REF 2021 Panel

It has been announced that Professor Quassim Cassam has been appointed as a member of the Philosophy Sub-Panel for the Criteria Phase of the REF (Research Excellence Framework) 2021.

Mon 26 Mar 2018, 14:04 | Tags: socialsciences Home Page Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Inaugural Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference (WCPC): 27-29 June 2018

Title: 'Identity and Community: Metaphysics, Politics, Aesthetics'. Keynote Presentation by Professor Alison Stone (Lancaster). Panel Discussion with Professor Miguel de Beistegui (Warwick) based on his forthcoming book 'The Government of Desire: A Geneology of the Liberal Subject', alongside Daniele Lorenzini (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles/Columbia University) and Federico Testa (Warwick/Monash).

The history of the concept of identity is marked by a fundamental tension: between the individual as subject, and the example of the group; between identity as an inherent or essential nature or specified as a ratified connection. The relation between identity and community, the relational qualities of each, and the content which they encompass has been subject to repeated reformulation throughout history. On the one hand, it has been argued that the subject itself has been constituted in a new way by concrete changes in the way in which we live: by modernism, capitalism, or new technologies. On the other, new examinations of history have drawn into question narratives regarding different nations, classes, genders and cultures.

The identity of individuals, and the aspects of their lives which are to be considered constitutive of that identity, is an issue which is central to a host of complex political and ethical issues. What does it mean to have an identity: to belong to a nation or a continent, to a race, gender or religion? And what is the connection of this belonging and our individual existence and consciousness? During an ongoing refugee crisis, rising nationalism and within an increasingly globalised world, how have the metaphysical and political boundaries of identity shifted?

Art and aesthetics share this tension. The place of the work of art and the individual artist within a genre or movement remains an open question - whether the author is dead, the work a manifestation of the group; whether the ideas behind the artwork are more important than the socio-economic foundation from which it arises. Corollary to this, discussions of art and the political have opened questions concerning the relation of aesthetics to community, and the possible connection of new identities and new forms of, or values within, aesthetics. Does art play a mediating role in the formation of the new community, allow for the expression of a communal voice, or reveal the individual identity then imitated by the mass?

Philosophy in the Time of Crisis - Launch and Call for Contributions

Philosophy in The Time of Crisis ( is a new digital platform and research project, supported by the University of Warwick and the Meyer Foundation. The project aims to promote philosophy as an essential tool to reflect upon the major crises and challenges of our times, and the meaning and nature of crisis itself.

Tue 06 Mar 2018, 15:11 | Tags: socialsciences Home Page Postgraduate Research Staff

Congratulations to Alfonso Anaya Ruiz Esparza

Alfonso Anaya Ruiz Esparza successfully passed his PhD viva recently. His thesis title is “Perceptual Non-evidential Knowledge. An Epistemology of Perception from an Austinian Perspective"

Mon 05 Mar 2018, 13:55 | Tags: Postgraduate

Two New Philosophy Titles by Professor Keith Ansell-Pearson

February 2018 marks the publication of two important philosophical texts by Professor Keith Ansell-Pearson, both published by Bloomsbury Academic.

‘Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition’ is described by the publishers as an elegant overview, bringing Bergson to a new generation of readers. ‘Ansell-Pearson contends that there is a Bergsonian revolution, an upheaval in philosophy comparable in significance to those that we are more familiar with, from Kant to Nietzsche and Heidegger, which make up our intellectual modernity’.

‘Nietzsche’s Search for Philosophy: On the Middle Writings’: PDF eBook. The publishers observe that ‘this study explores key aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophical activity in his middle writings, including his conceptions of philosophy, his commitment to various enlightenments, his critique of fanaticism, his search for the heroic-idyllic, his philosophy of modesty and his conception of ethics, and his search for joy and happiness. The book will appeal to readers across philosophy and the humanities, especially to those with an interest in Nietzsche and anyone who has a concern with the fate of philosophy in the modern world’.

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