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Departmental news

Grant success for Dr Massimiliano Tamborrino

Massimiliano Tamborrino has been awarded an EPSRC small grant (approx £97k) for the project 'AI-informed decision making based on decision field theory', with Dr Lyudmila Grigoryeva and Dr Shweta Singh (WBS) as Co-Is.

Tue 04 Oct 2022, 13:03 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Grant Success for Marta Catalano

Congratulations to Marta Catalano who has been awarded grant funding from the Heilbronn Institute's Small Grant Scheme to support research into "Optimal Transport Methods for Bayesian Nonparametric Learning".

Tue 21 Jun 2022, 11:06 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship for Giuseppe Cannizzaro

Congratulations to Giuseppe Cannizzaro who has been awarded a four year UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship for the project "Large-scale universal behaviour of Random Interfaces and Stochastic Operators" under Round six of the scheme. See further details here: 84 new Future Leaders Fellows and £100m for next round announced – UKRI

Thu 16 Jun 2022, 15:31 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to Harita Dellaporta

Congratulations to Harita Dellaporta for having her AISTATS 2022 paper on Robust Bayesian Inference for Simulator-based Models being invited (44/1685 submitted papers) for an oral presentation!

Harita's paper titled "Robust Bayesian Inference for Simulator-based Models via the MMD Posterior Bootstrap" has been invited for an oral presentation (44 out of the 492 accepted papers) at this year's AISTATS 2022 conference

Mon 24 Jan 2022, 13:01 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

EPSRC grant success for Aleks Mijatovic

Aleks Mijatovic, with colleagues at the University of Durham has been successful in winning an EPSRC grant worth over £1 million to develop novel robust probabilistic techniques for the analysis of certain multidimensional diffusion processes exhibiting non-Markovian and/or reflecting behaviour and possessing universal features. The grant will fund postdoctoral researchers at both Warwick and Durham.

Wed 12 Jan 2022, 10:32 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Mark Steel is the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal Bayesian Analysis

Mark Steel has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal Bayesian Analysis for a term of three years.

Mon 10 Jan 2022, 13:33 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Grant success

Krys Latuszynski awarded additional funding in support of his Royal Society University Research Fellowship.

Thu 06 Jan 2022, 14:14 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

EPSRC New Investigator Award for Tom Berrett

Congratulations to Dr Tom Berrett who has been awarded an EPSRC New Investigator Award for the project "A suite of new nonparametric methods for missing data and data from heterogeneous sources based on the theory of Frechet classes".

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 09:10 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Funding Success for Ian Roberts and Alicia Gill for a Research Students Conference

Ian Roberts and Alicia Gill, PhD students in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics and Statistics, have received funding from the London Mathematical Society (£2,500) and the Heilbronn Institute (£2,500) for support towards a three-day Research Students’ Conference in Population Genetics which will be held from 29th June to 1st July 2022 at the University.

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 17:04 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Ian Hamilton wins the University of Warwick Productivity and Futures of Work GRP essay competition

Ian says: "The essay was based on the question "'What did the perfect day look like in the different stages of the pandemic? What does it mean for future productivity at work?" My response discussed the interconnectedness of work productivity with other productivities in our lives, both our own and of those around us." The essay can be viewed here.

Mon 15 Nov 2021, 12:05 | Tags: STEM, Prizes and Awards

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